Title: Peeking (or Jared Learns the Answer to an Age-Old Question)
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG? PG-13? Seriously, I have no idea. There’s no real nudity, but one guy is looking up another guy’s kilt, so…?? Depending on your workplace, etc., use caution opening.
Word Count: 363
Note: I wanted to write a real story to go with this drawing, but was entirely too lazy, so I wrote a little bit of nonsense instead, in which I gleefully abuse ellipses, asterisks, and italics.
This is another drawing + photo manipulation, and I used photographic textures for the clothes - first time I've tried that.
Jared: So, Jensen. What does a guy wear under one of those things?
Jensen: You would pick today to visit the set, wouldn’cha? That’s so…you, Padalecki.
Jared: How was I supposed to know you were gonna be wearin’ a dress today? Seriously, what’s under there, man?
Jensen: It’s not a dress, asswipe, it’s a kilt…a kilt, got it?
Jared: Okay. Whatever.
Jensen: Talked to Jeff yesterday.
Jared: Yeah? *looking innocent*
Jensen: Yeah. And I made, what I realize now, was a serious mistake…told the motherfucker that I had to wear a kilt all day today. He told you, didn’t he?
Jared: He might have called last night. I think. *laughing* Yeah, man, he told me. So, like…boxers? Briefs? Boxer-briefs? ‘Cause I know you haven’t been free-ballin’ all day.
Jensen: You know, I see your mouth movin’, Padalecki, but I’m not hearin’ ya.
Jared: Kinda breezy today. Aren’t you worried your skirt is gonna blow up and give everybody a peep show, or something?
Jensen: *loud sigh* Dude…kilt. Kilt. And the breeze feels damn good, actually. So, look…you’re here, and the caterers have barbecue today. You hungry? Hah! That was a stupid question, wasn’t it? Come on, man. Let’s go get our grub on. *heads towards the food wagon*
Jared: …….
Jensen: Jared? What the hell? You’re not my geisha, buddy...you don’t have to walk four steps behind me. *blinks* You’re tryin’ to sneak a peek, aren’t you? You’re tryin’ to look up my skirt!
Jared: Skirt? Classic. *laughing*
Jensen: Shit. Kilt. Shut the hell up, Jared. And are you coming or not? *starts off for the food wagon again*
Jared: …….
Jensen: Huh. It is a little breezy. Almost feels like…Jared! What the fuck, man!?
Jared: *drops to one knee and takes a better look* Whoa! You’re…you don’t have…anything…like, at all…wow.
The dozen or so people milling around the set lot: *whistling* Nice ass, Ackles! *hooting* Woohoo! *assorted other catcalls and lewd suggestions*
Jensen: There’s a good chance I’m never gonna forgive you for this.
Jared: Sorry. Really, really sorry.
Jensen: You can put my fuckin’ skirt down now, Jared.
Jared: *lowers the fabric, adjusting the pleats, and smoothing them into place* Umm…kilt.
I worked on this one in a HUGE format, and a lot of detail (like Jensen's ear clamp, ear ring, and lip stud) was lost when I resized it for LJ, so for those who have a fast connection, and want to see it even bigger:
Click right here.