2 Glee drabbles

Nov 13, 2011 23:23

Title: Headlights
Rating: G
Pairing: Finn/Rachel, Puck/Quinn, one-sided Rachel/Puck
Summary: And in that moment, she finally understands the ridiculous phrase "like a deer caught in the headlights"...

Rachel stops thinking that Noah will ever come to his senses they day they graduated McKinley High.

There in the middle of a cheering group of seniors, graduation caps, and confetti midair, stood Noah and Quinn. And when he dropped down to one knee with a tiny black box in his hand, time just stood still.

And in that moment, she finally understands the ridiculous phrase "like a deer caught in the headlights", because she's frozen to the spot, unable to do anything else but to watch this train wreck unfold before her eyes.

Quinn's hands flies to meet Puck's; Rachel's hand flies to her mouth.

The other hangs limply at her side until she notices Finn standing next to her. She locks her fingers with his, fiercely gripping onto him.

She needs to feel something. Anything.

"Can you believe that Puck's such a romantic?" Finn whispers to her. "He's been planning this for months."

And as Puck twirls Quinn around, pulling her in for a kiss, Rachel turns to Finn and does the same.

"I love you so much Rachel Berry." She vaguely remembers him saying. She forces herself to say it back.

Title: Empty
Rating: G
Pairing: Sam/Mercedes
Spoilers: Slight spoiler for episode 3.09
Summary: I felt so empty without you...

Mercedes bit her lip and choked back the sob that was forming in the back of her throat. She should have known better than to think that Sam would sit next to her. Not that she could really blame him. But the fact that he chose the seat behind the empty one next to her was like rubbing salt in the wound.

When Mr. Schue finished up with the day's Glee club meeting, Mercedes took a deep breath to steady her nerves. It was now or never... “Sam! Wait up!” She smiled at him and put her hand on his arm. “Hey... It's really good to see you.”

Sam shifted his arm away, leaving her hand hanging awkwardly in midair. “Yeah, my dad's job got transferred back here.”

“Aren't you glad to be back though?” Her smile grew wider. “Admit it, you missed us!” 'Me' She thought. 'You missed me like I missed you.'

Sam shrugged. “What's to miss?” He ran his fingers through his hair and let out an exasperated chuckle. “Lima's just so June...”

The smile on her face disappeared. “Oh..”

Sam just shook his head at her. “Look, I just.. I can't do this. Whatever THIS is?” He started making wild gestures with his hands. “I can't deal with it now. From now on, whenever you see me, just do me a favor and walk away in the other direction, okay?”

He turned to walk away, something in Mercedes just snapped. “NO!” She grabbed his arm and pulled him back. “ I can't do that again Sam. I walked away from you once.. From US. And that nearly killed me. I won't make that same mistake again. I can't.” She could feel the tears rolling down her face but instead of wiping them away, she reached for Sam's hands and linked his fingers with hers. “I'm so sorry Sam... I'm sorry for walking away when you needed me the most. I'm sorry for not being strong enough to want to fight for us...”

Her voice cracked. “I'm sorry for letting you think that I never loved you. But that's the thing Sam, I do love you. I've never been surer of anything else in this world. When you told me that your family was moving away, I was just so scared that you would find someone else.. The idea of you leaving me behind gutted me. I felt so empty without you, so I pretended that it was okay. I just figured that if I was the one walking away from you... I don't know what I was think-”

Mercedes froze as Sam reached up and cupped her face in his hands. When he leaned closer to her, she closed her eyes and slowly inhaled. “Baby, I know.” He said quietly. “I know...”

And as their lips met, Mercedes finally understood what people meant when they said that they saw fireworks.

fic: sam/mercedes, fic: puck/rachel, glee fanfiction

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