
Nov 05, 2007 19:19


Tier 1 - A. For use on Project JP-5-11.

No.NameStatusNotesSRH-01 Sarah.OConnection with a man no longer to be found in this place, 'Luc'. Vulnerable. Trusting. No connection to specimens affiliated with SHINCO. Powerful healing abilities. Investigate further.ENA-01Elena.XSHINCO. Strong connection with ( Read more... )

response: nero, response: lucrecia, response: logan, response: yachiru, response: jean grey, response: rikku, subject: specimen files, response: viral, response: kakashi, classification: private, classification: ooc, response: makubex, response: mao, response: yoruichi, classification: ic, response: ccs!sakura, response: reno, response: vincent, response: bellatrix, response: kazuki, response: ffvii!aerith

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OOC: not_john_smith November 5 2007, 21:34:41 UTC
Forgot to post this before, but any of my characters are available, if you want to point Hojo at them. The most interesting ones would likely be River, The Doctor, and Zaeruapollo, but they'd all likely be entertaining.


Re: OOC: a_failed_god November 5 2007, 22:25:12 UTC
( River definitely makes the list! The other characters will make my OOC reference list, too; when Hojo knows them better, we'll definitely see how it goes. The Doctor is a smart one, though; even if Hojo doesn't select him because he's too much of a threat, he'll probably be stalking him. xD )


OOC: not_john_smith November 5 2007, 22:29:40 UTC
It's worth noting that the Doctor is not only a genius, but a biologically whimsical alien.

Heheh... I don't know if the Doctor would even mind! XD


Re: OOC: a_failed_god November 5 2007, 22:33:49 UTC
::grin:: One can hope! If the Doctor is thumbs-up about it, he'll undoubtedly try and take advantage of the fact.

And that's a good point. If and when Hojo finds out, he'll dog him mercilessly. ♥


Re: OOC: off_duty_turk November 5 2007, 22:44:58 UTC
The Doctor enjoys genetic manipulation as much as the next guy. And he's less worried than most about it being permanent, since he, y'know... regenerates. So nothing's permanent. ;p


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