
Nov 05, 2007 19:19


Tier 1 - A. For use on Project JP-5-11.

No.NameStatusNotesSRH-01 Sarah.OConnection with a man no longer to be found in this place, 'Luc'. Vulnerable. Trusting. No connection to specimens affiliated with SHINCO. Powerful healing abilities. Investigate further.ENA-01Elena.XSHINCO. Strong connection with TNG-01. Claimed. Injected. Unknown effects; monitor closely.KZK-01Kazuki.OStrong connection with VNT-01. Powerful. String-based weapons. Berserker capabilities. Implementing control of VNT-01 brings out vulnerability.RKU-01Rikku.OStrong mechanical abilities. Connection to KSH-01.
MBX-01Makubex.OStrong computing/programming (?) abilities.VRL-01Viral.OInvulnerable? Powerful. Investigate.KSH-01Kakashi.OPhysical competence. Agility basis. Powerful.

Tier 1 - B. For alternative purposes (Project ST-5-11 and other).




SHINCO. Strong connection with Project subject ENA-01. Monitor closely.
Strong social connections. May be claimed yet. Affiliated with some SHINCO members, non-specimen CRESCENT, Lucrecia (See Midgar Files), and VNT-01.
Seemingly competent, high intellect. Pending further investigation.
VNT-01Vincent.XUnstable, but mostly compliant. Implement with caution. RVR-01River.OMentally unstable. Capable telepath. Other unknown abilities? Requires help. Vulnerable.

Current Residents pending Tier/Letter further to investigation:

YUE-01 - Yue.
BLA-01 - Bellatrix.
LGN-01 - Logan.
JEN-01 - Jean Grey.
MAO-01 - Mao.
RGU-01 - Rangiku.
YCU-01 - Yachiru.
AZN-01 - Aizen.

[OOC: Be sure that this is in no way a comprehensive list, guys! This is a priority list - his first targets. He's going to go through these, and then move down to the next tier, and then the next, and so on. Admittedly there are more powerful characters that didn't make this list, but they only failed to because Hojo couldn't have been aware of their potential, even scouting at the ball as he was. It in no way implies that they aren't of interest or use, however. ♥ If you're at all curious, I also updated the OOC notes to reflect the current process of elimination. Greys are not unlikely to get onto the list, but they are the least likely - either because I'm already claiming people from that player, or because Hojo cannot yet see their worth for the tasks he requires.]

There is such joy to be found in the company of others, isn't there?

This is an exciting development.

response: nero, response: lucrecia, response: logan, response: yachiru, response: jean grey, response: rikku, subject: specimen files, response: viral, response: kakashi, classification: private, classification: ooc, response: makubex, response: mao, response: yoruichi, classification: ic, response: ccs!sakura, response: reno, response: vincent, response: bellatrix, response: kazuki, response: ffvii!aerith

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