Who: Colin Wilkes and Stephanie Brown
When: Friday Afternoon
Where: Damian's hidey-hole in the middle of nowhere
Summary: Unexpected first meetings
Rating: PG probably
Warnings: A kid dealing with mental issues.
"Damian, you have got to be kidding me," Steph muttered, glaring furiously at the...shed was too generous, but it would have to do. She shot a glance down at the cryptic little text he'd sent her. Directions to...somewhere, but no actual explanation of where somewhere was, or why she'd want to go there. Her eyes narrowed, and she glanced back up at the...shed.
Well, this was definitely 'it'. Whatever 'it' was.
She sighed, rubbed at the back of her sweaty neck and marched up to the door. If this was Damian's idea of a prank (though somehow she had a hard time imagining it was, especially from this newer colder Damian) but if it was, she was going to kill him.
Pushing the door open, she winced at the creak of the hinges and stepped through, ducking to make room for the ears on her cowl. She paused, letting her eyes adjust to the absence of too-bright sunlight. A rustling reached her ears. Tensing and reaching for a batarang just in case, she searched for the sound and said, "Alright Damian, I'm here, what is this all--"
She blinked. Huh.
"You're not Damian."