Who: Nathan and Peter Petrelli
When: Friday Night
Where: Home next to the jail
Summary: The first week in F3 is almost over
Rating: R/NC-17 likely?
Warnings: REALLY inappropriate behavior for older brothers to conduct on their little brothers.
The party from two nights before was still going on but Peter really can't bring himself to yuck it up with the rest simply because he knows what's coming up. This is the calm before the storm. He sucks in a breath as he gazes out across the effortlessly dark landscape of arid dust and endlessly black, starry skies.
He's not seen stars in awhile, not like this, even before coming to this place. New York isn't exactly a city known for dimming it's nighttime skyscape to enjoy the things that happen above everyone's head. Unless it's a new billboard on Times Square. That usually gets some respect.
For once, Nathan's not drunk and Peter's glad for it. He's been starting to worry.
He's worried too about Sylar. Where'd he go? Peter almost wanted to check in on him. The network had been quiet though. No reported deaths.
Peter at least has stocked this place pretty well. Two cots lay in the back room. He teleported a table upstairs as well. There's even television, something that isn't nature scenes or porn. Lots of odd commercials though. Peter grouses and plops beside Nathan on the sofa. "Can't get over this place. It's so weird."