Who: John Egbert, Vriska Serket
When: Shortly after
this spectacleWhere: Suite 7D
Summary: Vriska doesn't know what she's doing and John probably knows even less. But there's going to be makeouts.
Rating: PG, probably, since they are AWFUL AT THIS.
Warnings: You may die of awkwardness.
Well, it wouldn't be long now before John showed up. And what the hell was Vriska doing to prepare? She certainly wasn't freaking out. Anyone insinuating she was freaking out should be dragged out into the hallway and shot. This was John! This was different. They were real matesprits. And nothing was going to go wrong. Absolutely nothing. This was going to be perfect in every way.
Sure, she'd never kissed anyone without causing them considerable amounts of trauma. And all her kisses had been disturbingly violent. And she had no idea how redrom worked to begin with! (Which sort of made her doubt all those lectures she'd been giving lately about romance.) And really the only other person she'd tried this whole kissing thing with before was Tavros, and everybody knew how that one worked out.
She sighed, leaning forward and banging her head on the wall of her room. This was going to be a disaster.