Who: Vaarsuvius and Gabriel.
When: Um. Early week 116, I think. Unless we want to avoid the mirages, in which case, backdated to late week 115.
Where: The stone maze. Or maybe the hedge one, oh man I don't know what I'm doing. Smurf, tell me what to doooo.
Summary: Have you ever had one of those nightmares, where you're stuck in a maze with someone you just can't stand? Presumably Vaarsuvius hasn't, since s/he doesn't sleep - but it looks like s/he'll get to experience it after all. Lucky hir.
Rating: Probably PG-13?
Warnings: Probably just language? And plausibly threats of violence on V's part and sexual references on Gabriel's.
'Stuck' might not have been the right word, precisely, for Gabriel's current situation. If he wanted, or cared enough, he could quite easily get out - phenomenal cosmic powers tend to be quite helpful with the whole not-being-imprisoned-in-mazes thing. But currently, he didn't care enough. It wasn't as if wandering around a maze at random was doing him any harm; in fact, he would if pressed admit to quite enjoying it. Sometimes, one just needs some time alone to think without any distractions.
But some things - such as Gabriel not snarking at, arguing with or trolling anyone - clearly aren't meant to last. Because as he rounds the next corner, he comes across a certain purple-haired androgynous elf. And he's no psychic, but he's thinking that this might just signal the end of him being civil for the time being.