Who: Suite 30 and anyone who would end up there. as sora expertly said, visitors are welcome to be culled BD
When: Friday
Where: Suite 30
Summary: this week sucks so everyone hang out together in small spaces!
Rating: PG?
Warnings: None. None? I think.
[hello suite 30, enjoy your dungeon-like, dark, cramped and maybe a little wet condition. Truly the height of luxury here.
At least it's not too wet and at least there are friendly-ish people about, and probably food. And psychics, that's always useful. One even has glow in the dark eyes, truly he was born for this situation!
At the moment Feferi is wrapped up, sitting in the common area. This whole fear of fire from week 103 was stupid, she decided. They needed to keep warm gosh darn it all and Ramona had kind of showed her how to make fire once. That was it, she was so going to do it! She's doin it man!
... Maybe a little later actually, she was busy... sitting there. At the moment.]