Who: Lavi, Komui Lee
When: Sunday Morning
Where: All around the facility.
Summary: Lavi tested Komui during OOC week by implying acts with Komui's sister, Lenalee. Unfortunately for the young Bookman, Komui is back to himself and remembers exactly what was said.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Disturbing implications generated by Komui's overactive imagination, biting, grown men sobbing.
Status: Complete
Anyone who had ever known Komui for more than ten minutes would be able to tell you one thing about the man: he adored his little sister. While this might not be too unusual, considering their traumatic orphanage thirteen years ago, this was no ordinary sibling bond. Komui loved his sister. He would do anything for her, ranging from the small things, like spend three years trying to join a secretive sect of the Catholic church, in the process changing religions, learning English and sacrificing a promising career as a Nobel winning scientist, to the large things, such as protecting her from any men who might take advantage of her innocence.
A task, it seemed, he failed at.
Lavi had been so offhand, mentioning how he and Allen had shared her, shared her, like she was bottle of beer to be passed around to whoever wanted a sip. The thought made him physically sick. His poor, sweet, innocent sister. She would have been unaware of their true intentions at first, he was sure, since she was such a precious little thing and considered both of the boys to be her good friends. At what point would it have dawned on her? Would she have screamed? Would she have gone along, because she wanted her friends to be happy? Was she sitting in her room now, back in the Order, too ashamed to tell her brother what happened, terrified that she was pregnant, praying that she wouldn't be assigned a mission with those who abused her so badly?
Komui was trembling with rage and horror, his teeth chattering with the force of it, his throat still burning from the bile. He was unaware of the tears streaming down his face as he ran towards Lavi's room. He could not fix what happened, but by God, he could stop it from happening again.
Lavi could practically feel the doom aura coming towards him. Why, WHY did I have to use that to test him?! Lavi prepared for the most rabid Komui he'd ever seen. Of course he'd never actually do that to Lenalee, I mean... Every guy gets fantasies don't they? he thought to himself. But, that wasn't going to stop Komui from tearing his penis off. Okay. Lavi thought, preparing for the door to be kicked down. I'm gonna have to run right past him, and possibly run right to the end of the hallway, before running, I don't have any knowledge of this place... that's going to be a disadvantage. Lavi thought for a second.
He turned to the door, wondering whether to take his hammer, deciding against it, he took his coat off, it's far too long to run the speed he'd need too. He decided that he'd try and explain to Komui first, then run. Preparing for whatever it could be that Komui had planned, he stood just behind the door.
Komui did not slow down as he approached Lavi's room, the very sight of Suite 14 making him start to howl in rage. He leapt straight for the door with a flying kick more suited to the other Lee sibling, his slippered foot crashing and making the door swing open with a shriek.
"LAVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" Komui howled, half blinded by his tears, swinging his head, looking round the room. "GET HERE NOW YOU COWARD!"
"Hey Hey Hey!!!" Lavi shouted, from standing on top of the desk. How did I get up here? he asked himself, assuming he'd jumped backwards. "It wasn't the Truth!" he shouted avoiding Komui's flails. He jumped over Komui and ran out of the door, sprinting down the hall.
Komui whipped around and began chasing him as fast as his long legs could carry him, screeching at the top of his voice.
"LIAR! You harmed my Lenalee! Don't think pretending will stop you from DYING!!!!" For a grown man, his voice could reach a very high pitch when he was this worked up. He was hot on Lavi's heeled as they both skidded around the corner.
Nearly falling over as the skid happened, he decided to try again on the shouting. "I wouldn't ever do that to Lenalee!!! You also don't give her much credit for being able to say no!!" he continued to speed down the hallway, leaping over someone as they continued to run full speed. "Not that I'd ever ask!" he added, running through the cafeteria jumping onto and across the tables.
"YOU THOUGHT OF IT!" Komui howled behind him as he ran around the tables, his beret whipping off his head as he ran. "That's only one step from trying it! Lenalee just wants to make people happy and I knew you boys would take advantage of that!" Komui's hands were extended out in front of him, claw-like, as the pair raced back into the corridors.
"I promise you! The only time I've ever touched Lenalee was to save her life!!" He sprinted flat out down the corridor back towards his room. "And, I don't deny I've thought of Lenalee! But it was never serious! I imagined picnics and her in completely respectable clothing!" He cried lying obviously out as he felt his shirt get caught by Komui's grip.
Komui's contorted face looked positively demonic as his fingers wrapped in cloth. With a yank he brought Lavi to a stumbling halt against the wall, slamming into him. His long limbs tangled round as he began hitting wildly, pinning the smaller boy, spattering him with dripping tears and snot as he howled incoherently, seeking to hurt him like he must have, must have hurt Lenalee. the thumps and Lavi's flailing attempts at escape were satisfying, but Komui wanted more.
He may not have been a vampire any longer, but he had spent enough time as one to know exactly where the most damage would be inflicted. He bit Lavi's neck. Hard. And then immediately turned and and spat at the disgusting blood taste. But that didn't stop him from biting again, leaving more teeth marks. If only his Komurin had been completed, Lavi would have thought this suffering now was a walk in the park.
Lavi yelled in pain before putting one leg round Komui's and pushing him, making him fall the the floor. Jumping on top of him to keep him from flailing Lavi looked at the crazy Komui. "Listen here you crazy mad scientist! I didn't hurt Lenalee. I'll admit she's pretty, and I've had a couple of wandering thoughts. But I would NEVER do that to her. She's a comrade, and it was disrespectful to think of her like that but I'm an eighteen year old boy. I'm sorry. Allen hasn't touched her either." He said, not knowing strictly if that last part was true.
Komui writhed madly under Lavi, howling still, his face blotchy with crying, glistening and strained. His chest was heaving as he panted between his sobs, the exhaustion from the sudden exertion catching up to him.
"She's a child! A child! You shouldn't be thinking of her like that! I won't let you! Oh, Lenalee! You're too far away and I can't protect you!" His flailing diminished as his sobs increased, snuffly and moaning and disturbing on a man his age.
"Komui, She is a child to you." He smiled, even though there was blood dribbling down his neck. "But to me, she's only two years younger." He stopped. "I'm sorry to have caused you all this distress. But, you know, been kidnapped, put in here, Kanda, Cross and you were being all weird so I had to check you weren't just kidding me." He said apologetically. "Now, I'd best let you up and clean you off, before people think we're having sex." Lavi stood and offered his hand to Komui, assuming his apology was somewhat expected.
That thought brought Komui up short. He stared through his stained glasses in horror for a few moments.
"B-b-but you're eighteen!" He squeaked out. People wouldn't think he'd be doing that, in the hallway, with his subordinate, his subordinate who was still in his teenage years, would they?
His quick mind gave him a list of the people he'd met who he suspected would assume the worst. He winced and took off his glasses, wiping his face on his sleeve, before taking Lavi's hand.
And then he slapped the boy once more.
"I don't care what the situation is, don't you ever make up such hideous lies about my Lenalee again!" He ordered.
"Yessir." he said taking the slap, registering pain, and then asking sheepishly. "Could you help uhh... patch up my neck?" He put his fingers to it and looked at the blood on his fingers. "I'm pretty sure I saw a first aid kit in the bathroom." He said grinning at his supervisor. "You're a scary man when you want to be, Supervisor."
Komui glanced at Lavi but didn't return the smile, still feeling the after-effects of the emotional turmoil he'd been subjected to. He cleaned his glasses off on his polo neck before putting them on. taking a better look at the wound.
"There's also a first aid kit in the cafeteria. We'll go there, find my beret and get you cleaned up. And then you can tell me exactly what was happening back home at the time you left." Komui answered soberly.
Lavi stopped Komui, took a step in front of him, once Komui stopped, Lavi took a step back and bowed formally. "I am sorry for disrespecting you and your sister, Supervisor Komui." He said, hoping his more formal apology would be taken more seriously than his rant.
Komui patted Lavi on the shoulder, his face slipping into a small smile as he looked down on the apologetic redhead.
"Come on, we'll get you cleaned up." He said simply, the tone of his voice making his forgiveness clear. Lavi's neck was still dripping steadily, but Komui hoped no stitches would be needed.
But even though it had all been a joke in bad taste, Komui was going to be keeping a far closer eye on who he assigned as his sister's mission partners in the future.