Who: "Kudo Shinichi" (Aka Kaito in Disguise)
When: Friday Night
Where: All around the Facility
Summary: Kaito is going to get to the bottom of this mystery, and he's going to do it in style. This means disguises! That and it'll be hilarious when Conan finds out who solved the case.
Rating: PG probably
Warnings: Kaito pretending to be Shinichi, which means subtle detective mockery, talk of murder and kidnapping.
Kaito was still mad at Conan for going and getting himself killed again, but this isn't really the time to worry about that. Right now, Kaito had a case to solve.
He supposed he could do this as Kaito, but it had been a while since the last time he'd disguised himself as someone else and it wouldn't do to get rusty would it? Besides, Conan totally deserved it for being and idiot and getting himself killed again. The look on his face when he found out would be amusing to see too.
Of course his reasons weren't completely personal. Kudo Shinichi being seen alive while Conan was dead would help them keep up the idea that they were two separate people after all.
These were the many reasons why Kudo Shinichi was walking around the facility, investigating the various crime scenes and hoping to run into anyone who could tell him more about the case. He thought he had a good idea of what happened, but he needed to confirm some things.