Who: Subject 002 and Mello
When: Wednesday evening to Thursday evening
Where: Who knows?
Summary: Misa claimed that Mello is behind stopping the virus. 002 is going to see if this is the truth.
Rating: R
Warnings: Crucifixion, sacrilege, sensory deprivation, possibly burning, lots of Mello torture.
Victim 004 )
There was a soreness around his neck, and he pushed his body forward harshly to attempt to figure out if he could feel the weight of his rosary.
He couldn't.
Panic gripped him, panic and raw, unbalanced rage and hatred. Other subjects had been captured and tortured before, but...weaker ones. Pacifists, and mostly women and children and innocents who had never done a damn thing against anyone.
Mello had many enemies, but no one could have done this without him realizing it. He and Kadaj were too alert and protective of each other.
He fought for a few more minutes before hanging limp on the cross, finding fighting to be quite pointless. He didn't wish for mercy or freedom. He just wanted to run rosary beads through his fingers, but that would have to wait. Everything would. Mello paused, head bowed and eyes closed, even though he couldn't see or hear anything anyway.
And he waited.
The lights flickered on silently. But for the first time in so many hours Mello can hear a noise, footsteps approaching him. They stopped and no noise followed for quite some time. It was as if 002 was waiting for Mello to speak.
Every tiny scrape or breath that he created was horrific. He was suspicious of himself, and despite the haze over his mind, the thought made him scoff beneath the gag. He waited. If someone was there with him, they'd do something soon, he was sure.
Footsteps returned. The light was turned off.
They came forward again however. And waited longer in silence. It must have been getting hard to breathe for Mello. Eventually his lungs would collapse. How much time did 002 really have?
Perhaps ten minutes passed before 002 said in its mechanical voice, "feel like talking yet?"
But he nodded anyway. Whether he knew anything or not, to be ungagged would open up windows of opportunity he didn't have in his current position. He exhaled shakily, body spasming against his bindings.
What the hell was going on?
"Misa Amane cracked," 002 explained. "She told me everything. I want you to fill in the details. Understand?"
"What I can, yeah. But first, you tell me. What did Amane say?"
If Misa was tortured she would have cracked whether she knew anything or not. Meaning, she would have lied. Mello wasn't likely guilty here; this was the fault of her grudge against him.
"Misa Amane has...a grudge against me. I killed her boyfriend once as payback for killing a friend of mine." He paused, then sighed. "If you tortured her, she'd've screamed out any name she hated just so you'd let her go."
002 pressed against Mello's chest, drawing a cross with one finger where the crucifix usually lay and said nothing. "If you aren't guilty simply tell me who really did it and I may consider letting you go. Otherwise." 002 stopped then said more thoughtfully and seeming to itself, "I wonder how long it takes for lungs to collapse...."
He scoffed, a stupid reaction to his own uncertainty. The strain it put on his respiratory system was terrible.
"The interns aren't inhuman. They could have been taken down by anyone. Hell, if Light Yagami found out any of their names he could have controlled them and made them fuck with the pending experiment."
He bowed his head, his next words coming out disgruntled and someone dejected.
"Besides, I can't remember anything past last week anyway. I've only caught up by reading the recordings on the devices we have."
002 wasn't going to get another name. Nor was Mello going to admit to anything. Not yet.
"Maybe you need more time to think about it," 002 whispered threateningly, stepping away from Mello. "Maybe I should leave you a little longer...."
Then, after a few long moments:
"...what are you going to do to m...to the one you find guilty?"
"That's not my place to decide," 002 said. "Depending on yo--their willingness I'm sure the punishment will be different."
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