Apr 05, 2011 00:53
[There is a clatter, followed by a click, a fuzzy feed coming to life as the faciliberry's camera tries to focus. Be it poorly on a redheaded eleven year old walking away from it. She stopping to stand in place for a moment, taking a slow, even breath. Lili closing her eyes so she could focus.
Its obvious from her surroundings, she's somewhere in the hedge maze. Not exactly bothered by it, she seems relatively calm and focused.
A levitation ball pops into existence under her feet. The pink and orange ball glowing against the worn down surface of her sneakers.
It takes a few moment before it fades away entirely. Lili purely floating on her own. She opening an eye to grin ear to ear, a rare sight, followed by another as she pumps her fist in the air.]
Yes! I've finally got it! [Lili's now moving through the air, awkwardly at points, but getting the hang of it quickly. She's managed to comfortably take a seated position- albeit shakily since levitation is still new to her. The redhead patting her pockets. Now- now she notices her faciliberry is missing from her sweater's pockets.]
Where did I put that stupid thing...? Ugh. [Lili rolls her eyes, reluctantly letting herself land. Moving to find her faciliberry. She leaving frame for a few moments. Her voice the only thing to be heard for now.] I will not be surprised if that thing turned on. It just has a knack for that. [Only her hand reappears, she finding the faciliberry in the grass, jamming it into her pocket and ending the feed.]
c: sasha nein,
c: alessa gillespie,
lili zanotto,
c: yukina,
c: damian wayne (robin v)