Gah, if I wasn't already certain I've been living with a certain low-grade depression... I'm certain I've fallen lower today. Given my state, and upcoming obligation, I guess it's not too surprising. I'm ready for that vacation... I'm ready to visit Australia, or anyplace far away from here and the heat.*le sigh
A couple of amusing links: which is a link to an article about a Toyota ad caimpagn where you hunt the Sheeple's. LOL! which a link to a house with a tunnel through it! LOL!
It makes me think of the vortex from Evil Dead. :-)
I finished reading Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman today, a good read for the most part. I'm not sure what I'm going to start reading next, along with the other occasional bits.
On a lighter note, I've spent most the day postwhoring against a personal nemesis that I had selected. Once I reach my goal, I probably won't care anymore. ;-)