Two bits of poetry and a microphone...

Jul 16, 2007 23:21

My servitude in a lower circle of Hell begins tomorrow... I wonder if that is why my mood is low? Nevertheless, despite being somewhat drained energywise lately, things are good, almost decent. :-)

Two works in progress, technically, although, I rarely return to them. Just some chum to fill out the page.

Forgotten Musings

If, in a death, I should slip away

My heart at rest, my mind at peace

There could be a new light

On a new stage

Where all forgotten dreams and longings

Meet to put on their plays

Moments of possibility and impossibility


The audience would be all the forgotten muses

Decked out in their finest raiment

A party for eternity

Intermissions between each new play

Each tear of sadness wiped dry

Each smile of joy another way

For my heart to beat again

My mind to race once more in exaltation

One would hope some small fragment would remain

Of joy attained

Down through esoteric paths

And finally to you


Deathsong for a Muse

To my abused, unused muse

How you died on that empty stage

Houselights dim

A spotlight on you

Darkness shrouding your eyes

In shadow

You sang

Your song

Of lover lost

Empty wastelands of loneliness

And imagination wasted

Once a great refuge

Now a silent realm

And still you sing

To empty seats

And a leaky roof

Rain that smears the colors grey

How you waited for me

To reach out and draw you

From the spotlight

And take your pride

Your spirit

Into my heart

Outstretched arms as if waiting embrace

A light of your own I could not take

Am I the flower that whithers

In darkness of despair

Still you sing

Still you reach

Glitter falls slowly like lazy stardust

Hope still beats in me

Commands me to reach

Even as misery claws me back

I must crawl to the theater floor

Down below center stage

To hear you better

A song that departs

Broken but with beauty

From a dying muse

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