Fandom Deliciousness: The Girls Who Lived

Jan 22, 2011 12:25

Well, I was surfing my friends page this morning and came across a link on a Twitter dump from last_archangel to an interesting Tumblr account.

Normally I don't dabble in me a purist, but it seems a little diluded on talent. That being said, I find interesting and fun stuff there sometimes nonetheless. This was definitely one of those times.

The name of the "site" is The Girls Who Lived, a gathering of stories about the many women and girls of the famed Harry Potter series.

Now, Harry Potter is an excellent fantasy adventure, and I love it dearly, but like the authors of these stories, I have noticed the lack of protagonistic lady heroes in it. I mean, sure, they give Ginny and Hermione a few good saves here and there, and Luna always comes out relatively on top...but seriously, for a book written by a woman, there's a severe lack of girl power in it. Fleur placed last. Cho never really caught the snitch.

It's okay, Cho. I still think you're cool.

WHICH IS TOTALLY FINE, I get it, that would be too much story to deal with, on top of the spectrum of emotions a teenage boy experiences...but that's what The Girls Who Lived is all about.

I read the Cho Chang prologue from round 1 (I think all they've done thus far is the first round) and it was intense and provocative and had a lot of ambiguity...but I think that's good, because I'm really interested to see what happens with this!

There's even a story about Petunia!! I'm about to read that one. Check it out if you like HP fandoms. I think this is one worth watching.

"What's this 'funny business' website I'm a part of?! DUDDERS RUN!!!"


Just found the time table:

January 20th: Prologue
February 3rd: Sorcerer’s Stone
February 17th: Chamber of Secrets
March 3rd: Prisoner of Azkaban
March 17th: Goblet of Fire
March 31st: Order of the Phoenix
April 14th: Half-Blood Prince
April 28th: Deathly Hallows
May 12th: Epilogue

Very cool!! This should be exciting.

The Girls Who Lived

harry potter, fantasy the genre, writing, fandom, reading

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