he's so unuuuuuusual

Jan 21, 2011 13:14

I've decided to write up my resume today, because I want a better job, specifically one in a library, and the last resume I made was (or is) on the now defunct laptop I killed with wine and bad luck.


1.) What have you done the past 3 days?
Well, on Wednesday I had a long shift at work, and after that I came home and watched a bunch of YuYu Hakusho and Battlestar Galactica. Thursday I got up early and watched more BG and then went to work for a short shift, followed by going way up to Gilford with a friend to visit another friend Dave and watch a whole bunch of Big Bang Theory (which I now love) and eat Chinese food. Today I've basically listened to Mario Lanza and Buffy Sainte-Marie while tooling around on the interwebs. BG will probably be involved later. Hello, mini life update haha

"The greatest tenor in the world!"

2.) Do you own any Sims games? Which ones?
I do not, but I've also never really had a system that could really handle gaming!

3.) Whose birthday is coming up? What's your relation to them?
Jess' 21st birthday just passed yesterday! Chris J's birthday is in a couple of months as well...hmm Amanda's might be soon, too, but I'm not sure. All friends. Middle one = best friend. I feel like that's important to note haha

4.) Are you a fan of anime? If so, which ones?
I've loved anime and the culture of anime (not to be confused with Japanese culture, which is different) since I learned of its existence, and I'm unabashedly fan-tastic (wow word mash made a real one) about it. Some of my favorites include FLCL, YuYu Hakusho, Escaflowne, Azumanga Daioh, Zoids Classic, Cowboy Bebop, etc etc

5.) Would you ever dye your hair your favourite colour?
I did in ninth grade! Fire engine red heh

6.) Have you ever sent a naughty text to one of your parents accidentally?

7.) What was the last thing you wrote?

8.) Who do you talk to in your first period class?
Myself? No one, actually, since I don't have one.

9.) Do you get freaked out by blood or does it not bother you one bit?
In the abstract, on TV or the movies or most books, I'm entirely fine with it. Blood is always okay, unless it's gushing, in real life...shudder. Wounds and stuff is sort of case by case basis. Usually if it involves my own body I'm okay. Not that anything truly horrible has happened to me, knock on wood.

10.) Do you have Skype? If so, who did you last talk to on there?
I do not.

11.) Have you ever had sushi?
Delicious!! I absolutely love it.

12.) If the last person to text you wanted to hook up with you, how would you respond?

13.) Who was the last person to text you anyway? What does she/he look like?
Hahaha just a secret friend whom I can't talk about because it's a secret. On the internet.

14.) Have you seen Black Swan? Was it any good?
Haven't seen it...not really my type of movie I don't think...it's like, a thriller or something, right?

15.) Name one band that everyone else seems to like but you don't.
MGMT. Fucking bastards.

16.) The last time you had sex, what position did you do?
Oh snap! Buy me dinner before asking a question like that. Yeesh.

17.) Would you rather cut your hair 6 inches shorter or not shave for 10 months?
Well, I don't have that much hair to begin with, so I guess I wouldn't shave. This survey wasn't built for a dude haha

18.) Favourite bands at the moment?
I'm getting really into Kings of Convenience, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Loudon Wainwright, Tiesto and Robbie Williams recently. Allison Weiss is another flavor of the month.

19.) How do you feel towards your mother?
Love and compassion?

20.) Forever alone. Do you know what I'm talking about?
No, because I'm surrounded by people who love me!! And even if I wasn't, I'm a social animal, I'd GET someone to love me, damn it! I'm very aggressive today!

21.) What colour pen did you last use?
White. Luckily it wasn't a lighter ;]

22.) Have you ever played Cafe Life on Facebook?

23.) Name one person you used to have a thing with in the past. What's your relation to them now?
Joshua. I use to think I loved him, but it was the classic falling in love with the IDEA of him cliche bullshit. Today? We barely speak, but I'm not mad at him and don't regret the drifting. Believe me, we just don't have that much in common.

24.) Has a friend ever stolen the person you like from you? What would you do if that ever happens?
I don't believe so...and if it happened? Well...I probably wouldn't ever trust either of them again, but maybe we could be friends. I don't do the whole "never speaking to you again" thing well haha

25.) Do you have any idea what you're doing on Valentine's Day this year?
I'm not really sure!

26.) If you watch Jersey Shore, what do you think of Deena so far?

27.) If you watch Skins (British version), are you annoyed that America decided to remake it?
Ahahaha I think loosen_up_judas can answer this question better than I.

28.) What was the last band tee you wore?
Most likely my Rilo Kiley tee shirt...back when it fit *sobs*

29.) What's the most expensive pair of shoe you own?
I'm horrible at buying shoes. When I need them, I put it off for months, and then when I go to the market to pick up a new pair I end up buying the magic beans instead.

30.) How often do you do surveys?
Here and there, when I've got a couple hours to kill.

Voldemort secretly loves surveys. True story.

01. When you were younger, did you ever use shrinkydink? Gods no.

02. Did your parents ever show you pictures of you when you were a baby inside your mother's tummy?
That would be slightly impossible.

03. Are you a pack rat - do you keep everything, even if you no longer use it?
I use to be TERRIBLY hoardish (that's a word now) but I've been getting a lot better at both throwing stuff out, giving things away and limiting the amount of junk I purchase/aquire.

04. Have you ever thought someone was pregnant when they weren't? Did you ever ask anyone if they were?
I'm currently under the impression that one of my managers at work is pregnant again maybe...but I could never ask!

05. When you were in school/if you are in school, do you actually share your grades with your parents? If you got/get a bad grade, do you hide it from them?
My parents were ridiculously good at getting our grades out of us...I swear they have super powers.

06. When you go on vacation or on a trip, do you usually bring back souvenirs for your friends?
Yes, if I see something that reminds me of someone in particular.

07. Would you be interested in designing clothes? If so, what kind of clothes would you like to design and for who? (Teens, adults, children, etc.)
Not especially, no.

08. Name someone you used to be good friends with and you wish you still were friends with. Why are you two no longer friends and why do you wish you were still friends? What's keeping you from becoming friends with them again? Now name a good memory/time you shared with them.
Sorry, not in high school anymore.

09. If your child was attending a birthday party and you could not afford to spend money on a gift for the birthday kid, what would you do?
I would tell my kid to write her name on one of the tags for the other gifts. It's all about teaching them values. Mine will just happen to coincide with Paper Moon, rather than Mary Poppins.

Skills. He had them. She got them.

10. Do you have trouble saying no? In what kinds of situations do you find it hard to say it?
Sometimes I do, especially with people I don't know at work or managers...also friends sometimes wanna do things I don't, and most of the time I just go along with it.

11. If you're a girl, is it easy to tell if you're not wearing a bra, or could you be safe without wearing one?
Now all I can think of is the "support" episode of Pepper Ann. Thanks.

12. Who is your favorite actor over 40 years of age?
I can't just choose one, silly! Uhhhh well, obviously Meryl Streep, John Barrowman (he just turned...41 I think?), Jane Lynch, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Saunders, etc etc. Wow...a lot of "J" names!!

13. Have you ever learned to play a song on an instrument just by listening to it and not looking at sheet music?
I did sort of learn some Zelda music hahaha on an actual Ocarina, too!

14. Are there any foods you consider "comfort foods", or foods that make you feel better when you eat them? Are you an emotional eater?
Uhh how about ALL OF IT. Ugh

15. The last time it snowed where you live - about how many inches did you get?
Last storm...we got at least a foot and a half. Then it sleeted/snowed for a night. Now it's kind of flurrying but not too much accumilation. Welcome to NH.

16. Have you ever choked on your own saliva?
Hahahahahahahahaha I laugh everytime it happens/I think about it happening!

17. Have you ever been the designated driver?
Once...but then they were all too drunk to even MOVE. ahaha

18. Have your friends ever pressured you into drinking? Did you ever have to stop them from doing something stupid like that?
No. And no.

19. Do you obsess over stupid, insignificant things?
Of course I do, we all do in our own way.

20. When you were younger, did you play on a little league baseball team?
I was a soccer kid.

21. Do you think it's "wrong" to cry in public? Under what circumstances?

22. Did you ever hide when your parents came to pick you up from a friend's house when you were a kid?
Not really...I wasn't a big believer in delaying the inevitable, even now I like to get things over with if it's time to move on. Mostly.

23. If you're a doodler, what kinds of things do you doodle?
I use to draw maps of medieval cities and castles, as well as landscapes, sometimes globes and worlds...I was like an imaginary cartographer, I just simply loved it! I'd draw castles and unicorns and intricate roots on trees, too. I enjoyed fantastical things. I don't doodle much anymore.

Kind of like this. Only not of Brussels.

24. What do you think of people who go to the movies just to spend the entire time kissing? Have you ever done this?
More power to them, just try to sit in the back. No I haven't ever done this.

25. Do you have trouble coming up with ideas for presents for your family/friends?
Every now and then, but I like to think I have a firm grasp on my family's likes.

Songs that always make you sad?
Hat Full of Stars - Cyndi Lauper
I'm With You - Avril Lavigne
Sara - Fleetwood Mac
That end music to E.T.

Last thing you bought?
A 7" record of Estonian rock music from some guy in Ukraine. Yeah Ebay!

Last person you argued with?
My parents. Nothing serious though.

Do you put butter before putting the peanut butter on?
This astounds me...butter...AND peanut butter? Crazy!!

One of your stuffed animals' names as a kid?
Bunny. I wasn't very imaginative at 1.

Did you ever own at one time a Barenaked Ladies CD?
Not that I know of.

Favorite day of the week?
I'm in a horrible mood on any day I have to shovel snow.

Favorite sundae topping?

Did you take piano lessons?
Nope. I play beautifully.

Most frequent song played?
The Frug.

TV show you secretly enjoy?
I enjoy almost everything openly.

Would you rather play basketball or hockey?
Hmmm I think basketball is more safe.

One place you could travel right now?

Do you use umbrellas?
They're kind of a hassle unless you're going a long ways away.

Have you thrown up at work?

Do you scream on roller coasters?
I laugh maniacally. It's kind of scary.

Do you know all the words to the Canadian National Anthem?

Favorite cheese?
I really like pepper jack.

The Smiths or The Cure?
Ummm I'm probably more of a Smiths person, but I wouldn't know for sure, I'm not really into either of them.

Best job you ever had?
Being a kid.

Did you go to your high school prom?
Yes, and contrary to popular belief, I had a lot of fun!

Perfect time to wake up?
9am. It isn't incredibly early, but it's still early enough to feel like you've got the rest of your day ahead of you.

This bird is terrifying. I would totally wake up whenever it wanted me to.

Perfect time to go to bed?
Midnight to 1am. You feel like you got the most out of your day, but you aren't overindulging in late night activity. Plus you have a sufficient amount of time to sleep in before waking up at 9am haha

Ever been in a car accident?
A world of yes.

Closer to mom or dad or neither?
We're all pretty close!

What decade during the 20th century would you have chosen to be a teenager?
Definitely the late 80s to early 90s.

Favorite shoes you ever owned?
I had some awesome boots in high school. I felt so butch in them.

Do you have an article of clothing you have had since you were in high school?
Actually...quite a few!

Were you in track and field?
Yes, briefly.

Were you ever in a school talent show?
No sir.

Have you ever written in a library book?

Allergic to?
Dust, dog dander etc. Not much really.

Favorite fruit?
Bosc pears.

Have you watched Sex and The City?

Baseball bat or toque?
What the HELL is a Hufflepuff toque?

Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap?
That's a bit personal!

Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste?
This question seems a lot more dirty than it is. Wet. Hehehehehehe.

Have you ever gambled at a casino?

Have you thrown up on a plane?

Have you thrown up in a car?
Absolutely not...I don't think?

Okay...back to the real world. Apparently I have to shovel the walk as well...I might simply break my own leg to avoid it.


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