Mini-Rant Fuelled by Positive Ideas

Jun 04, 2010 13:44

Spent the last three days on a fantastic training course. The group is small and full of ideas, the trainer is highly experienced and completely willing to wander off-topic if we ask random questions, and it's clearly pitched at future/upcoming managers which is a nice pat on the back. I have come out the far side feeling a bit better about my career choice and filled with ideas to improve what I'm doing, the products I'm working on, etc.

If only I had a week - one week - with nothing to interrupt me, I feel confident I could do some fairly amazing things to this business. But is not ever going to happen. It's a little bit gutting to know you could do everything so much better, if only you had a breathing space at the start. Dan complains about this all the time - his day is constantly filled up by crap which gets in the way of actually developing the business. It's the treadmill effect - running desperately along the same old track just to stay in one place.

Without giving up my weekends, which are sacrosanct, how do other people manage this? There must be a way - how else do businesses grow?


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