Movies to See

Dec 29, 2011 15:45

Because I need to do something with my spare time other than obsess about food, I thought I'd check out some movies currently playing in the theatres.

Not "The Artist" though, because it's in limited release and my city is NOT one of the ones showing it. I'm beginning to wonder if its popularity is due to the gimmick of the silent movie/documentary style or whether there's anything worthwhile about the movie. Kind of like "Avatar". Anyway ...

These are the movies that are in my consciousness in some fashion

Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (remake) - liked the original and my nephew wants to see it so I'm guessing it's on for the weekend
Sherlock Holmes Game of Shadows - want to see it cause Sherlock and Watson ... what's going on between those 2 anyway?  Plus, I'm still a sucker for the internal monologue/prologue gimmick thing Sherlock does before the action actually happens.
War Horse - a bit too 'emo' from what I've seen of the trailer and I don't really need that in my life right now
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol - I hate Tom Cruise, I hate Tom Cruise, I hate Tom Cruise, I hate ... well, I think you get it
We Bought a Zoo - HECK no!

Incidentally, while waiting to see "The Artist", I decided to check out other movies the French lead, Jean Dujardin, has been in. I started to watch the first of the OSS 117 parody movies, "Cairo, Nest of Spies". After the credits intro sequence, which took place in black and white, they repeated the title in dialogue at least 3 times in the span of 5 minutes. It seems to be a combination of the Bond movies, Johnny English and Get Smart. I'm finding myself so frustrated by the character of Hubert that I want to reach into the tv and smack him upside the head. I don't know if I want to watch the rest of this smirking buffoon though if I was in the company of some witty people it would probably be a great movie for a drinking game. A sequel, "Lost in Rio" was made so it seems to have found an audience in France.

Well, that's about it for this post. If I think of anything else I may make some additions. :)

movies, hobbies

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