Lazy Weekend Plans ... Saturday

Mar 16, 2019 15:38

I stayed up late last night reading the last J.D. Robb mystery I brought home from the library. Eve Dallas and Roarke are a pretty hot couple. Determination, brains and a kick-a&& attitude.

I had intended to run some errands today. Maybe pick up some carrots, onions and garlic from the grocery store, cause I'm out. Or go out to Bulk Barn and Canadian Tire and pick up some baking ingredients and a replacement spice and coffee grinder ... then I didn't.

Right now I'm watching TabiEats videos ... the Food Hauls or tours of various areas of Japan or cooking traditional Japanese foods etc, always something interesting ... while doing a load of laundry. Supper is going to be pizza (and possibly a focaccia) and a bowl of turkey noodle soup with some home made turkey stock and the last of the picked turkey meat from the freezer.

I keep putting off posting the last of the Easy Japanese themed installments I was planning. Because there are a couple of other dishes I want to throw on the post. I guess I really SHOULD just post what I've got and clear out my camera.

Here's a picture of the bulbs peeking through the ground at the front of the house. It's been a colder month than usual with temperatures yo-yoing up and down. I think the plants are confused.

weekend cooking plan

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