July Round-Up - Part 1 Sourdough and other breads

Sep 04, 2015 16:42

It's been a nice stress-free July. In spite of the hot weather, with the A/C running, and being able to do a lot of grazing out of my freezer, any cooking that I've done has been more like playing that actual cooking.

And I've been taking lots of pictures.

But I've haven't had to write up or post the recipes.

I started a wild yeast starter and used some of it to try to make sourdough bread. With varying degrees of success. And some blatant failure.

My sourdough starter

A wet sourdough dough that I was hoping would end up looking like a ciabatta ... didn't rise much.

At least the sourdough pancakes were tasty. This was the starter  I used ... peppy little devil.

The asiago cheese/sundried tomato and basil herbed bread batard was one of the mostly successful attempts.

As were the 2 baguettes.

I also made plain bread dough ... half used for a pepperoni, mushroom and mozzarella cheese pizza while the rest became a fougasse (leaf shaped flat dough) that can be ripped apart to dip into extra virgin olive oil/balsamic vinegar or split for sandwiches.

A comparison of the crumb of the sourdough asiago batard and the fougasse.


sourdough, picspam, bread, yeast

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