And then there was one ...

Dec 30, 2008 08:34

Beaudacious bawked her last bawk sometime before the dawn, and now we're down to only one feathered girl, Bobbi Jo. She was up before the sun, calling and searching. It must be hard being a flock girl without a flock. We're going to try to find a couple of grown girls to bring home for her as she'll just peck chicks to death; chickens are neat, but they're also not so kind to one another. If I had the means to keep the babies separate until they were old enough to fend for themselves, I would. But I don't, so adults will have to do.

I don't know what else we could have done for Beau ... heck, I don't know what else we could have done for any of the girls who have passed. They all just sickened and died during cold, damp weather cycles over the course of the last five years. I feel like I'm not up enough on my chicken raising skillz to know what is needed. I'm good with all the other tenants of the homestead. Dogs? Yes. Cats? Sure. Fish? Yep. Humans? Definitely. Chickens? Not so much.

Anyone know any good books or sites for info on raising and keeping small flocks in the city? Anyone have any sage wisdom they'd like to share? I'd like to be a better chicken mama.

Anyway ... that's the news from the Nyborg Homestead. Pooh.


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