[FANFIC--ShiroAi] A Worm and A Bear

Dec 16, 2007 17:14

Fandom: The Musical Prince of Tennis
Pairing: Shirota Yuu X Aiba Hiroki
Side pairing: slight SaiRui
Genre: Humor/crack...
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don’t own these boys, really… They belong to themselves and have their own lives. Everything written on this fic has nothing to do with their real lives, and it’s all only a product of MY imagination ^^;
Note: Well, I found this fic when I was rumbling into my folders.. I made it a long time ago but I haven't posted it yet, so I thought why not post it?
LoL.. this is kinda plotless, by the way,, but comments would be loved XD
EDIT this has been beta-ed now XD


“Nee, Shirotan, is it true that I dance like a worm?”

The sudden question Aiba had thrown out of the blue made Tezuka’s actor froze in the middle of his dance. Well, it just happened that Shirota asked Aiba to help him perfect his dance steps, since Ueshima-sensei told him that he needed more practice, because his movement was still a bit awkward.

So, just when he was busy concentrating on his dance steps and suddenly Aiba asked some random thing out of the blue, the only respond Shirota could come out with was only a “huh?”

“Hey, don’t stop! Keep dancing,” Aiba throw a glare at Shirota, telling the older boy to keep dancing. And after making sure Shirota continued his dancing, Aiba repeated his question, “I asked you, is it true that I dance like a worm?”

Shirota sighed inwardly. So the younger boy wanted him to think of an answer for his trivial question while he still had to concentrate on his dance steps? “Probably because you’re so energetic while you dance?” that was the only reply Shirota could think of while he still had to maintain his movements and kept dancing or Aiba would throw a dagger glare… again.

“Speaking of energetic, Ruito’s always so energetic while he dance,” Aiba pointed to Aoyagi who was dancing in the other side of the hall with Saitou, “but no one told him he looked like a worm,” Aiba argued.

Shirota sighed again. Trying to think of another answer while maintaining his steps was no easy task for him. “Well, maybe…”

“Ah, you should move more fluidly there,” Aiba cut Shirota’s words. “Try to swing your hips more. Here, like this,” Aiba danced to give Shirota an example.

Watching the way Fuji’s actor dance, a thought came to his mind that Aiba sure was looked like a worm, and that made Shirota spontaneously burst a little laugh.

“Did you laugh just now?” Aiba gave Shirota a fierce look.

“No, I did not,” Shirota raised his hands up and put on an innocent look. ‘I only chuckled a bit,’ he added in his mind.

Aiba looked at Shirota with suspicion, made the older boy decided to continue his dancing before Aiba could throw an elbow. And as he just started to imagine the music play in his head and danced to it, Aiba asked again, “so, why do you think I look like a worm when I dance?”

Shirota stopped dancing, and then made a pleading look to Aiba. “Aiba-chan, please have mercy on me. I can’t dance if you keep asking questions.”

Aiba looked like he was thinking for a moment, before he finally said, “then, you can take a break for a while, now.”

Shirota stared at his co-actor in amazement. ‘So *your* question is more important than *my* practice?’ Shirota wondered in his mind. Sometimes, he just couldn’t follow Aiba’s way of thinking.

Aiba took a bottle of mineral water and threw it to Shirota. “Here, have a drink first,” Aiba said after seeing the older boy looked a bit tired.

“Thanks,” Shirota replied before he sat down and drank up half of the bottle. Aiba then sat down next to him. He said nothing, only sat there, watching the older boy as he wiped out his sweat with a blinding blue-yellow towel.

Shirota was aware that Aiba had his eyes on him. And when he caught Aiba’s curious eyes, he also caught the hidden message, telling him that Aiba still demanded his answer for the question earlier.

“So,” Shirota started talking, “you’re still wondering why people say you look like a worm when you dance,” Shirota tried to guess what’s on the younger boy’s mind.

Aiba nodded, waiting for Shirota to answer.

Shirota sighed again before finally answering, “maybe that’s due to your *flat* figure,” he chuckled.

“What? That’s rude!” Aiba slapped Shirota’s shoulder. “How about you then? You’re sooo big, you look like a bear!”

“Whaaat?” I’m not big! I’m just tall and I… I’m not scrawny like you, that’s all,” Shirota tried to defense. Aiba flinched at the word ‘scrawny’.

“Well, *that* is exactly why I’m saying you look like a bear! You’re the tallest among Seigaku cast, aren’t you? Probably even the tallest among all tenimyu cast! And you said yourself that you’re *not* scrawny, Shirotan!” Aiba insisted, ignoring the fact that their height didn’t differ that much. “Ah, from now on, I’m gonna call you Kuma-tan!”

“What? From what side do I look like a bear?”

“From *every* angle! You’re tall, your body’s big, and when you dance, your body movement seems heavy! Isn’t that why Ueshima-sensei told you to practice more? You can’t even dance!” Aiba blurted out. And he regretted his last sentence soon, because it had nothing to do with Shirota looked like a bear.

Shirota heaved a sigh as he thought that of course his body would look much more ‘loaded’ compared to Aiba’s skinny one, but he knew that it’s useless to argue. He sighed again, and then stood up. “You know, this is kinda pointless,” he said before finally walked away.

Aiba suddenly felt guilty somehow. He felt like he ran his mouth, and that the older boy might be angry.

“Nee, are you angry, Kuma-tan?” Aiba tried to joke the older boy as he saw Shirota’s backside figure drew away.

“I’m not,” Shirota answered nonchalantly as he kept walking.

Aiba stood up and suddenly unconsciously caught Shirota’s hand. “You’re angry,” Aiba accused him.

Shirota, still with a surprised look as Aiba caught his hand earlier, could only reply, “But I’m not.”

“Then why…” before Aiba could finish his words, Aoyagi who happened to be near them stared at them curiously.

“What are you guys doing?” he innocently asked as he saw Aiba’s hand grabbing Shirota’s.

“Huh?” Aiba looked at Aoyagi, and then he looked at his own hand which was still grabbing Shirota’s hand, and when he realized what his hand was doing, he let go of Shirota’s hand immediately, with his face blushed a little.

“Leave them be, Ruito, they’re just at it again,” Saitou suddenly showed up and snaked his arm around Aoyagi’s shoulder and then gently dragged him away from the two.

Shirota and Aiba fell silent for a moment as they watched Aoyagi and Saitou walking away. Saitou whispered something to Aoyagi’s ear that made the younger boy giggle.

“Somehow… their aura seems a bit… pink?” Shirota abruptly said.

“Yeah…” Aiba nodded in agreement.

Shirota smiled as he watched the two leave the room, and decided to do the same, but suddenly Aiba tugged his shirt.

“So, you’re not angry?” Aiba made a face that Shirota thought kinda… cute…

“I-am-not-angry, Aibacchi,” Shirota replied as he couldn’t hide his smile from seeing Aiba’s face like that. “I don’t mind you’re calling me Kuma-tan or whatever you want. And I admit that I don’t dance as well as you,” Shirota added. The last statement made Aiba felt uneasy, even though Shirota didn’t mean it that way.

“Well, if you’re not angry, then why are you leaving? You haven’t even finished practice yet,” Aiba asked with the mixed expression of worried and a bit anxious, and it was… just cute…. Or so Shirota thought.

“I’m not leaving, I’m just going to the bathroom. I need to pee,” Shirota grinned.

“That’s it?” Aiba frowned his eyebrows in disbelief. So he worried over nothing? He should have known that Shirota never gave too much thinking over something as trivial as that, so he felt sooo stupid that he even bothered to worry about Shirota being angry.

Shirota watched Aiba as his facial expression change from time to time, showing what the younger boy might be thinking, and it made him smile.

“Just wait here, okay? I’ll be right back. And after the practice, I’ll treat you to a meal,” Shirota tried to cheer up the sulky Aiba.

Aiba looked at Shirota for a moment. “Can I decide on the food? Anything?” Aiba’s mood seemed to lighten up a bit.

“Of course. I wanted to show my gratitude, since you took your time teaching me to dance,” Shirota smiled.

“Well, then just hurry up and pee or anything and then get back to practice! If you could do the last part without mistake for once, we’ll call it a day.”

Shirota just smiled before leaving the practice hall to fulfill his nature’s call.


So, they ended up in a yakiniku restaurant. Shirota was a bit amazed of the amount of food Aiba had consumed, and yet he still had not finished. Even Shirota couldn’t eat that much.

“Hey, you sure it’s okay to pay for me?” Aiba asked after he sipped his ocha.

“Sure, eat as much as you want,” Shirota replied calmly.

Aiba looked at Shirota. He knew that the older boy had been watching him eating, and he thought that maybe he ate too much. It was all on Shirota after all, so he thought maybe he should’ve limited the amount of food that he ordered.

“Well, if you don’t mind me eating this much, why have you been staring at me?” Aiba asked.

Shirota chuckled a bit. “Nothing, I was just wondering… you eat that much yet you’re still so scrawny… I wonder where all those foods gone? Maybe you *really* have worms living inside your stomach,” Shirota laughed. His laugh was fading immediately, though, as he saw Aiba throw a fierce glare toward him.

Starting the next day, Aiba became more and more strict in teaching Shirota, and Shirota had to endure Aiba’s vicious attitude towards him for about a week.



LoL.. what a crappy fic...
Aaaah! I missed second cast!!!!
Anyway, comments?

shirota yuu, fanfiction, aiba hiroki, shiroai, tenimyu

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