[FANFIC--TezuFuji] What Your Eyes Saying 02

Dec 16, 2007 07:10

Title: What your eyes saying
Author: a1y-puff
Genre: General/romance… maybe…
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis.
Beta-ed by: Lizzie ( fantasize.dream )
Preview: see my icon,, it's cropped tho...

Hyaa~ this one’s rather short and… plotless… gomeeen~~!!
Sorry, but as I said before, it was supposed to be a one-shot and I kinda cut it into three chapters.



Fuji couldn’t remember how the sitting arrangement was, but he ended up sitting with Tezuka. It looked like everyone had the unspoken agreement not to sit beside the buchou, for it was always Fuji’s place next to Tezuka. Not that Fuji minded though. He was comfortable in his place beside the captain anyway.

Along the way, Fuji could see Tezuka’s eyes glinting in annoyance about Inui’s incessant mumbling. It had never bothered him much, only now that Inui was blabbering right in front of him. Inui and Kaidoh were seatmates in front of the two, and since Kaidoh was sleeping, Inui decided to make Tezuka his listener.

“And so, I’m 92.3 percent sure that this isn’t going to be pure training camp. Everyone has each about 88.7 percent chance to take this opportunity to release their stress. In other words, they would most probably take this as a vacation. And so, I would like to suggest the newest product of my juices as a punishment for…”

Fuji noticed more wrinkles between Tezuka’s brows now.

‘He’s so noisy…’

Fuji gave Tezuka a reassuring smile as he patted Tezuka’s shoulder.

‘I’ll shut him up for you.’

Then, Fuji fished something out of his bag, and stood up. That something seemed to be a set of cards.

“Anyone wants to play cards?” he asked casually.

Almost everyone welcomed the offer with glee, considering that they were started to get bored. Soon, they settled themselves at the back rows of the mini bus and waited for Fuji to bring the cards. Only Tezuka, Echizen, and Kaidoh (who was sleeping) were counted out. Oh, and Ryuuzaki-sensei, who preferred to have a chat with the driver.

“You’re not coming?” Fuji asked Inui, who still had not moved.

“No, I’ll pass. I still have things I want to tell Tezuka,” Inui replied.

“Are you sure?” Fuji asked. His smile, Inui noticed, had turned to one of those sadistic smiles. “I’m planning to make everyone give out a secret each time they lose.”

“Well,” Inui said, taking out his green notebook and a pen out of his bag, “I’ll still pass the game, but I think I can at least watch it up close.”

Fuji smiled. “Please do then,” he said before walking to the back of the bus, followed by Inui.


“It’s not fair, Fuji-senpai!! You haven’t lost even once, and here we’re already each giving out our secrets,” Momoshiro wailed, while Fuji just smiled.

“So Fuji is also a tensai in card games after all? Ii data,” Inui scribbled something on his notebook.

“Instead of whining, why don’t you give out another secret, Momo?” Fuji asked calmly.

“But I…”

“Like, what were you doing three days ago, after practice, at a park near the river?” Fuji asked with a rather intimidating smile.

“You were there?” Momoshiro shocked. He furiously blushed, making the others wondering what’s wrong.

“I just happened to pass by,” Fuji answered calmly. “Saa, won’t you tell us what were you doing there?” Fuji asked, eyes opened, revealing the blue orbs that sparkled somewhat evilly.

“Uh… I was… I was with Ryoma… uh… I mean, Echizen…”

“Momoshiro called Echizen by his given name,” Inui mumbled as he continued scribbling on his notebook.

“Momo, I didn’t know you were that close to Ochibi-chan?” Kikumaru asked a little too innocently.

“What were you two doing there? A secret training?” Kawamura asked without the slightest bit of suspicion in his eyes.

“Secret training, huh,” Fuji repeated with such a knowing smile that made Momoshiro nervous. “Maa, maybe you can say that. A secret training,” Fuji said, smiling at the now-seemingly-shrunk Momoshiro.

While Inui intensely writing on his notebook for he knew there was a hidden meaning behind the ‘secret training’ Fuji mentioned, the others just gave Momoshiro and Fuji wondering looks that the two didn’t bother to answer.

Fuji suddenly felt his head a little heavy. Probably due to his lack of sleep, so he decided to stop the fun. “Well, we still have halfway to go, so I think I’m gonna rest a bit,” Fuji said as he stood.

He then bid everyone goodbye with a single smile, and walked to his seat in the front. With Fuji gone, Inui also had no more reason to stay, as there wasn’t anyone capable of fishing out secrets anymore, so he decided to return to his seat as well, and analyze the data he just took. And Momoshiro had never been this thankful for Fuji being a little unwell like he was now.

When Fuji returned, Tezuka didn’t say anything. He just gave the smaller boy a mere glance. Fuji smiled to him, silently wondering if he could take the window seat.

Catching the hidden message behind Fuji’s smile, Tezuka moved to the aisle seat and gave Fuji a way to sit on the window seat. Fuji smiled a ‘thank you’ to Tezuka, before drowning himself in the scenery outside.



Fuji faintly heard a voice calling out his name. He didn’t react at first, as his eyelids felt heavy to open up.

“Fuji, wake up,” said the deep voice. He could feel the source of that voice was very close to his left. Fuji then slowly opened his eyes, and found himself comfortably rested his head on Tezuka’s shoulder.

He promptly lifted his head off Tezuka’s shoulder, and the sudden movement resulted in his head becoming a bit dizzy.

“Ah, sorry, Tezuka… did I fall asleep?”

He looked up to smile apologetically to Tezuka, only to find the reassuring eyes of the taller boy.

“We’re almost there,” Tezuka gave his reason of why he woke Fuji up. Fuji just nodded and smiled at the taller boy, hiding the weird feeling in his stomach when he once again, felt a certain gaze from the captain.

“Hmm, so Fuji DOES sleep. Ii data,” Inui mumbled from their front. He climbed his seat to face the two, as he wrote on his notebook.

“Well, humans DO sleep, Inui,” Fuji countered with a smile.

“I know that, of course,” Inui replied. “It’s just… I did not expect you to sleep in front of people. In my data, you have 1.34% chance to be so off-guard in front of others. I think it had increased to about 7.86% lately,” he continued.

Fuji stunned a bit at Inui’s remarks. But soon, he put back his smile. “Is that so? Well, I was reading this interesting book and before I knew it, it was 3 in the morning,” Fuji explained.

“But I think it’s bad if my chance to be off guard is increasing, ne?”

“Hmm,” Inui read whatever data he had on his notebook. “I personally don’t feel that it is bad. It made you more humane that way.”

Fuji did not respond any further after that remark, for his mind had already wandered around. Well, while it was true that he was awake until 3 in the morning, but the real reason was because he couldn’t sleep. Because he was thinking of someone.

And it was the same ‘certain someone’ that kept haunting his mind lately, that kept making him getting caught off-guard by Inui, it seemed.

And that someone was the Tezuka.

And that stone-cold Tezuka made him more humane? Fuji smirked inwardly at the irony.

Just as Fuji was about to shake the thought off his mind, he caught the side glance Tezuka gave him. He could not fathom the meaning behind that three-seconds-glance, but he did feel some certain warmth in it.

The two seemed busy with themselves, forgetting the fact that Inui was still there, observing them with his green notebook. As soon as they realized that, though, Tezuka threw a dagger glare at Inui, while Fuji smiled at the dataman, eyes opened, making the bespectacled boy turned around and sit properly on his seat.

But Fuji could hear Inui mumble a faint “Ii data”.




A/N: Hiyaaa~ chapter 2’s down! One more chapter to go! xD
Reviews please? Oh, and please comment at the fanart too, ne?
Anyone with dA account, please comment in my dA!

The FANART in bigger size, in my dA

Next chapter will be the last… and the longest… and (I hope) better!!

fuji shuusuke, fanfiction, tezuka kunimitsu, tezukafuji, wyes, tenipuri

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