Dec 22, 2008 21:58
It's been 6 MONTHS since I posted? Wow. My life must really be boring.
Not really. I just check up on people here and neglect to comment/post. Tend to do that on all blogs/chatrooms/websites I belong to. C'est la vie, I guess.
I truly hope everyone is having an enjoyable Christmas/holiday/winter time right now.
What's new? Well, I added another school division in subbing land. I now sub in the public and the surrounding area of the city. I don't get a ton of calls from them, but it definitely adds a couple days a month. I'm averaging well over 70% teaching, so I really can't complain. There are a ton of maternity leaves that I keep hoping for, but I doubt I will get. My cousin works at that high school, and since we have the same last name, I'm thinking appearances have something to do with it (I am called there at least 3 days every 2 weeks).
I picked up a second job as well (yes, I'm crazy). I work on the kids side of a popular clothing line, and so it was a change from Claire's (I was there for a few weeks again, but made myself leave that time). The only crappy thing is, like all other minimum wage jobs, the turnover is high and we're short staff. I was only supposed to have Christmas day and New Year's off (as the mall's closed). My wrist was killing me today, so I called in sick. I needed this day just to breathe. That, and my wrist is kind of important when it comes to dealing with hangers, buttons, stock, and change.
My wrist will never be solved. The doc said that unless do drastic surgery (which he won't do, so I'd be going out of province, and major chance it wouldn't work), I just have to love my advil and my wrist brace. I don't know... I keep getting told to go out of province for another opinion, but if health care doesn't cover it, there's no way I can afford it.
I'm still living at home. That's part of the reason I got the second job. I would LOVE to buy a house... I'm not going to rent again. I have absolutely nothing against renting, but in this city, I have a decent chance of getting a good starting property and renting out the basement. Why not pay off my own mortage instead of someone else's if I can? I'm trying to get all the loans/bills paid off, but not before a trip to Europe this summer! I decided, through a piqued interest in genealogy, to go back to Europe for the first time in 9 years. I'll go back to Paris, but focus mainly on England/Scotland, and maybe Switzerland. I figure, I'm 25, not married, and no major committments (like kids and stuff) that I need to do this.
Please don't remove me from your friends lists! I honestly do read posts regularly, and enjoy reading them.
Take care everyone, and have a great Christmas season! (or whatever is politically correct for you :D)