Title: Parachasers OR The Unnatural Interests of Suzumiya Haruhi Rating: PG for Nagato thesaurus abuse and extreme awkwardness. Summery: Haruhi finds a new hobby, bad things happen to Kyon.
Title: Parachasers OR The Unnatural Interests of Suzumiya Haruhi Rating: PG for boring after-school activities. Summery: Haruhi finds a new hobby, bad things happen to Kyon.
Title: Parachasers OR The Unnatural Interests of Suzumiya Haruhi Rating: PG-13 for inappropriate use of windows and dramatic face-on-face collisions. Summery: Haruhi finds a new hobby, bad things happen to Kyon.
Title: Parachasers OR The Unnatural Interests of Suzumiya Haruhi Rating: PG-13 for inappropriate sleeping situations and annoying loli siblings. Summery: Haruhi finds a new hobby, bad things happen to Kyon.
Title: Parachasers OR The Unnatural Interests of Suzumiya Haruhi Rating: PG-13 for possibly supernatural situations and inappropriate after school activities Summery: Haruhi finds a new hobby, bad things happen to Kyon.
Title: Parachasers OR The Unnatural Interests of Suzumiya Haruhi Rating: PG-13 for dead salaryman and paranormal activity Summery: Haruhi finds a new hobby, bad things happen to Kyon.
Title: Parachasers OR The Unnatural Interests of Suzumiya Haruhi Rating: PG-13 for Mikuru in revealing costumes and Itsuki sitting TOO CLOSE Summery: Haruhi finds a new hobby, bad things happen to Kyon.