It's been a week and a half since he left

Aug 05, 2005 15:28

I never understood nor had the SLIGHTEST idea about how it would be like until I actually experienced it. Losing somebody to the military is SO FUCKING HARD. Part of me is INSANELY proud of him and happy for him and think that he is doing something good with his life, but a part of me is like "WHAT THE FUCK IT'S NOT WORTH IT" *sigh* Part of me wants to cry when he calls and tell him that I miss him. Part of me wants to smile and laugh and make him feel better. Part of me wants to scream at him for him not being there after my surgery when I was crying for him. And part of me wants to tell him how happy and proud I am of him and rock on.
*Smacks forehead* Atleast the chance of him shipping off to Iraq is very slim. But I feel for the people who have a Dad, Mom, Sister, Brother, Boyfriend, Girlfriend in or going into the military. =( It's the most intense and crazy mixed feeling in the world.

I love you Kevin Kelley. And I will be sitting on your front door step when Sgt. Barrett brings you back on December 9th. And when you come back for the holidays. And for those 30 paid leave days a year for the next 4 years.
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