Hold me

Sep 05, 2010 16:27

Title: Hold me
Author: scwolf_10k
Pairing: KaoruxDie
Band: Dir en grey
Rating: G
Genre: Romance
Warnings: none
Word count: 366
Disclaimer: They belong to themselves, and to each other.
Image inspiration: Love by oomizuao @ DeviantArt.

Author's note: was browsing DA randomly, and this picture caught my attention, and the drabble was born. It may not be any good, but hey, at least I wrote something :P Though I hope you'd enjoy it. It's from Kaoru's POV, "complaining" about Die :3

He's doing it again. Clinging to me as if I'm gonna run away at any moment. It irritates me. I can hardly breathe whenever he squeezes my ribs. Sometimes I stay up all night because of how strong he's holding me, to the point of being painful. He's always clinging. Not only in bed, but also in the kitchen while I'm cooking or making coffee. In the living room while we're trying to watch a movie together. He's always holding me in his arms, and never letting go.

But I love it. I love that he wants to hold me. I love that he yearns for closeness as much as I do. I love that he hugs me when I'm sad, or when I'm happy and excited. I love how he holds me when I cry. He keeps me warm when I feel cold. Body heat is most effective to feel warm, he says. And I believe him, because he does warm me up inside-out whenever he holds me in his arms, whether in bed, kitchen, living room, simply everywhere and every time he does it.

But for God's sake, please let me sleep. Or at least give me the chance to cling to you as well. Turn around, face the other side of the bed, so I could sneak behind you just like you do, wrap my arms around you just like you do, hold you through the night and keep you warm (and probably wake you up in the process) just like you do.

No. I'm selfish. And I want you to hug me. I want to feel your love. I want to feel your warmth. I want to feel your body against mine, your breath against my skin. Hold me tight, and never let go.

But I'm not as selfish as I'd like to think I am. I will turn around within your embrace, and wrap my arms around you in return. I will keep you warm just like you do. I will hold you tight, caress your back and nuzzle your cheek. I will enjoy feeling your heart beating against mine.

Please hold me, for I also cannot sleep when you don't.

one-shot, dir en grey

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