just another week of the winter

Mar 15, 2004 22:34

i hate the winter, if youhavn't gathered that yet. i don't know what it is i hate so much about it. it's cold, bone chillingly cold to be exact, and it's grey. i don't like living life in monotone, why should my day be that way? i think it's unexceptable. I'm pale enough as it is. i need some sun to give my skin some color and warmth lol. i want to go swimming in the ocean with all the exotic animals and run barefoot on the sandy beaches and attempt to climb palm trees. i want to be so hott that i have to walk around in a bathing suit all the time. I like florida weather, and if there weren't so much keeping me here, i think i might wanna move in with my grandma. don't get me wrong, michigan isn't bad at all, but i can't handle this stupid winters for much longer.

ugg what is on tv? teen idols of the 80's? who cares. i think i am gonna go to bed. i just finished writing my movie review for the dead poets's society, which i highly recomend you go see. great movie. great.

let's see about today. i fell asleep in the middle of some kids speach in my second hour. i worked the crap out of my abs, thighs and butt in aerobics, turned in a project early, watched a fetal pig be disected and later watched star wars with my dad and bro. then my ma forced me to go to this candle light party with her that one of my aunts was having. let me tell you about tourture. i don't know why my mother would ever think that i would wanna sit in a hard chair for two hours in a room full of old ladies while they all discuss candles, but to each his own i guess. today was pretty easy though. and nice. i spend most of my school day talking to the girls and haveing a semi-good time and then i usually get a short nap in after wards.
but you had to know that this part of the journal was coming up. that's right!!! the andy section!! yesterday i spent like 5 hours with him at church(sooooo nice, let me tell you,) and today he stopped by and i got to see him. he even got us tickets to go see sugar cult the 9th. he's the best guy i've ever met, and every one knows how much i love him. wow do i love him :-) so much.
kris and me spent almost the whole weekend together too. we attempted to see secret window friday, went out for coffee saturday (haha the signs) and then again on sunday. what can i say, i keep busy, b/c i had a lot of home work too. i also got to see my baby on firday. which automatically made my weekend. baby i love you, and you know that will never change.
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