Title: Endgame
Author: Flying Toe Shoes
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, drama
Pairing: Anatoly/Svetlana, Anatoly/Florence
Disclaimer: Still poor with medical bills, don't sue. Based off of characterizations and history from
War Is Coming on Insanejournal. What happened in Bangkok via Svetlana. Pulled from another rendition of Deal No Deal for a later
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She's clearly a full character to me. A lot is telling just in the things she says (Even in the US version of You and I). Someone Else's Story (I legit raged when I learned it was originally a Florence song and then you have people saying it should still be her song why do we need to flesh out Svetlana?) Her verse in I Know Him So Well about how no one is ever truly on ( ... )
I have a habit of conflating characters with the actors who play them, so if I'm fond of the actor beforehand then I'm more inclined to like the character, and if I like a character I tend to like the actor too. This happened both ways with Svetlana and Florence -- I liked Kerry Ellis, so I liked Svetlana (as you said, her performance was just so heartbreaking!); and I was previously, well neutral towards Idina Menzel, but then her performance as Florence didn't convince me at all (she and Josh Groban could have had more chemistry, let's just say...) There are only a few Florences who can convince me and, well, Idina Menzel is not one of them.
The fact that Someone Else's Story was written originally for Florence means that some of the lyrics really don't quite apply to the Svetlana/Anatoly relationship:
"Yesterday, a girl that I was fond of ( ... )
And those lyrics are just heartbreaking. Because Svetlana is heartbreaking. You would think that with the RAH supposedly being the definitive version, that they would have been in there as well but I can still justify it as people telling her to leave and considering it because he's never around, etc, but in the end, she still can't. (This is what I do, things dont make sense I will MAKE them make sense >.>) Still I would have loved those versions. And Svetlana doing her bit in You and I (Okay, I want to hear Kerry and Josh sing together. Shush)
Huh. Well. OH well, this made it look like they were monologuing so they were! =D
Thank you! And ha, I do tend to over analyze so yes. And even if he wasn't paying attention and meant it doesn't change the fact it's there and can be used!
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