Title: Endgame
Author: Flying Toe Shoes
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, drama
Pairing: Anatoly/Svetlana, Anatoly/Florence
Disclaimer: Still poor with medical bills, don't sue. Based off of characterizations and history from
War Is Coming on Insanejournal. What happened in Bangkok via Svetlana. Pulled from another rendition of Deal No Deal for a later
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Comments 6
She's clearly a full character to me. A lot is telling just in the things she says (Even in the US version of You and I). Someone Else's Story (I legit raged when I learned it was originally a Florence song and then you have people saying it should still be her song why do we need to flesh out Svetlana?) Her verse in I Know Him So Well about how no one is ever truly on ( ... )
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