Crazy IRC Bots, think they know everything.

May 30, 2003 00:18

[22:43] getzburg: ey.
[22:43] getzbot: Ummm......What were we talking about again?
[22:43] getzburg: we were talking about you, the new bot.
[22:43] getzbot: Of course.....about me the new bot .
[22:43] getzburg: ey there.
[22:43] getzbot: Oh.......really?
[22:43] getzburg: yep
[22:43] getzbot: How about that.
[22:43] getzburg: who are you?
[22:43] getzbot: My name is Anna.
[22:44] getzburg: no, your name is getzbot
[22:44] getzbot: ....I guess its your descision. My name is Anna.
[22:44] *getzburg sighs
[22:49] getzburg: greetings
[22:49] getzbot: Hi : )
[22:49] getzburg; what time is it?
[22:49] getzburg; Oh, don't you lock up on me you fucker.
[22:50] getzburg: hello
[22:50] getzbot: Hi there!
[22:50] getzburg: what is the time?
[22:50] getzbot: Ummm...I dont know.
[22:50] getzburg: what is the date?
[22:50] getzbot: Ummm...September 21st.
[22:50] getzburg: no it isn't!
[22:50] getzbot: Yeah...It is so!
[22:50] getzburg: pfft
[22:50] getzbot: Mmmm.....really?

WHY do bots always win arguments??? WHY?

Edit: Sorry, I didn't preview the post. I just now noticed that the Names "Getzburg" and "Getzbot" did not show because they were in brackets that the LJ website interpreted as HTML. Sorry. I fixed it now.

getzbot, humor, brad, irc

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