It's over... it's FINALLY over!!

Mar 10, 2006 14:20

Great Happiness!!

I thought this week would never end! This has possibly been the worst week of my life. First I get saddled with that terrible English assignment: pick a topic, research it, turn in an essay, prepare a powerpoint, and present for 10-15min to the class. It was a group assignment, though. Which can do more harm than good at times, and was the case for all of the 4 days we had to work on it.

4 days.


And that was just one assignment.

I also had a lab due for Biology, a Bio test, and a chem test that I had no idea I had until lunch of the day of. ARRRRGGGH!!!

For my lab, I had to do my observation table, and my title page. No biggie, I finished yesterday at school (cuz my computer at home is retarded), my student account is fine. I just had to come in today, print it and turn it in and all is good.

I get to school, I try to log on, but it doesn't work. I can't get in. My password isn't working!!!!!
So I tell my student teacher (who left today T-T), and she's like hurry up. So I run back to the library get on my friend's account, and redo my table, and my title page. I did part of my table wrong, so I had to fix that. And my title page looked funny so I had to keep changing it, but 30min. later, I get it done. Okay, Ctrl + P, head to the library office pick the shit up, and go back to class.

"Printer is Busy"


I stood there for all of 5 minutes.

"Printer is Busy"

But the one beside it was working perfectly. Bitch.

So I go back to my computer, send my stuff to my hotmail and find another computer. I get back to the other computer and I find out that I sent it to my mother.

I'm like tearing my hair out at this point.

So I had to back to computer #1 send it to myself, send my mom a mail telling her delete it, run back to #2.

My friend: "At least you're getting some exercise."

Me: "Ha."

By the time I finished, I missed all of my class, but there wasn't any big ass lesson, or homework, just a reading.

But it's all over and done with, thank. God.

Now I can finally get my hair and eyebrows done, because I can't remember the last time I have.

The Ring Two (I can type it, now!) is premiering on TMN (The Movie Network). Despite my experience that I had with the first one that I'd rather not recount...again, I'll probably watch itty bitty pieces of it. You know, flash back and forth, or hide in the couch or something. See, I'm irrationally, and pathetically terrified of horror movies (not Thriller, horror. Saw was awesome), but I can't help but watch them!! Most of the time. I won't want to watch it if doesn't intrigue me.

Like, The Ring, as scary as it was for me, was a pretty good movie. I'll forever hate it for scarring me for life, but it was still prettty good.

If I stay in my room and play Golden Sun all night, I won't want to leave...hopefully. I'm tired, and I need to treat myself for all the crap I put up with today.
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