Feb 09, 2005 14:36
I'm just gona be blunt and say this because it's been bugging me and I'm trying to be upfront... if I offend anyone then ts cus you offended me... haha
I'm really mad at some of my "friends" because they arent being "friends" For example.. wtf is up with Sheila... I haven't talked to her in forever.. Normally she would just be like hella chillin and now she wont even say hi when she passes me... What's up with that.. If you have a problem then be blunt and post it like I did...
Then Melissa... I fucking love that kid but shes making me mad because she wont let me know anything... I cant say shes my friend and I cant say shes not.. She wont let me know... I have been there for at least a week trying to ask her and see how she feels.. I mean if she didnt want to be friends with me then let me know so I can stop worring about it and I dont have to feel like a pest and that way I can move on as well... The other day when Melody was over I was kinda crying cus I didnt fucking know and I still dont know... Tell me...
Then I'm mad at Melody like a bitch... HAHAHA not at all actually I just thought I would put that there cus she thought I was... no I love her the most.. AS A BEST MOTHER FUCKING FRIEND.. and nothing more..
Then I'm mad at the stress of school... You do good for a long time and they expect you to do above and beyond now... I'm a good studient but honestly.. I really dont care that much...
I'm mad at my mom cus I'm fat and cus something are hard for her to understand when it comes to my relationships...