"callum and i got along right off the git go."

Jan 22, 2007 01:25

noel: chicks like this movie too.
hugh: they love it!

yes. yes they do, boys. so, i listened to the HCL commentary this week. and i typed stuff while i was watching. it's not very coherent, or indeed, edited for more than the worst typos and clarification of the most incoherent squee. ok. and i attached little hearts to my most favourite parts. please note, i am typing with the tin hat at a jaunty angle. and my RPS-tinted glasses on. ETA: on glancing at it again, it makes no sense. also, i swear i have actual thoughts, but they don't make much of a showing below. *fixes spacing to make the un-thoughts a little easier on the eyes*

[dvd starts, i drop remote, dvd stops, i fish about under couch, almost knock beer over, finally get settled with blanket, drink, laptop and remote. truly i am a mutitasker to be feared.]

credits roll, they talk about financial difficulties with the film, kid about it,
hugh: "i still owe callum money." (and hmm. we are... 20 second in? still on the credits, and already hugh's talking about callum. HEARTS!)

omg, noel's VOICE is whiny. but i like bruce. bruce sounds smart!


noel, shut UP!

(interesting - mary the fan was the first thing filmed.)


noel gargh, SHUT UUUUP! plus, everything is his idea, apparently.


[ok. i got used to noel about here]

♥ hugh's tough love for the guys? hee. (and they're all still his friends? aw! honey.)

♥ "callum and i got along right off the git go."

the 'git go'? this made me giggle. who says that?

best friends (best!)! callum & i! HEARTS. HEARTS. HEARTS. and callum ok'd hugh to bruce after the kitchen audition? \u/

(and bruce basically dared hugh to do it? - "what are you afraid of?")

ok, noel is actually interesting about the time travelling scene, but even funnier is hugh's telling him to shut up - and hugh stopping talking when joe time travels on screen.)


♥ ♥ hugh couldn’t drive stick at this time?

can anyone guess how very hard i am trying not to make a comment about his learning this skill during filming? i think you should be impressed by my restraint.


33 year old teenagers! (ok, noel has a good point!) and hugh saying rock & roll is protracted adolescence. well, duh, but it's fun to hear him cheerfully admit it.

♥ hugh: "these guys are all musicians... callum has got a great ear"

aw, hugh! calling callum a musician even though he's... not? sorry, it may be totally platonic, but - such. a. crush.

(and c.? you’re so right, he is a prince! he's really nice about everyone.)

ah, here we are: hugh thinks people didn’t know he & callum couldn’t play guitar. um. hugh? possibly someone needs to have a word? *pause for streets to stop laughing like a drain if she's reading this*

bruce asking hugh if he minds about his blotchy skin in the interview scene, and hugh not minding because it was such a good scene? it's weirdly sweet bruce would worry that hugh might mind and ask him. buddies!

hugh talking about the contract to stay clean & sober for the movie - he's so matter of fact about it, which always strikes me when he talks about this stuff.

callum & hugh! sitting up late after everyone else crashes talking and singing together!
♥ hugh: "callum's got a great voice, he'd be a great lead singer."
again with the giant. crush.

going through the script in hugh's room the night before, huh? running lines in cafes? *is overwhelmed by RPS-y thoughts* ok. MORE overwhelmed.

oh, the spitting. now i understand. heeeee!
♥ hugh: "this is FUCKIN' AMAZING! this is GREAT!"
and he's all loud. omg, he's SO excited! (and he's kind of guy-giggling at the end, hee hee!)

hugh talking about talking to callum about drunkenness and drug abuse. *gets all heart-clenchy for them*

hugh threatening noel with his right hand! post-it notes!

hugh is so amused relating their (the headstones) discovery of (the meaning of) felching. disbelief! bless his 13-year-old heart. i suppose before the internet took over the world it was harder to look this stuff up? "retarded nicknames" indeed. BOYS. (also, "my band the headstones". yes, hugh, we know you're the alpha band member. you don't have to keep reminding us. big galoot. ♥)

♥ possibly i misheard this as it was getting late, but hugh says something like, callum was actually away (for a few days) so hugh could use this to act because - callum was away? excuse me, my RPS generators just had a dangerous power surge. (my inner scotty, in the engine-room of my heart, is not at all happy.)

lost rings and hats. *pets sadly* callum wearing hugh's rrrrrrring. *generators ramp up again*

"callum is so good at..." (he doesn't quite say this, but i will argue that the context suggests "at knifelicking omg" - apparently, hugh appreciates this too *g*)

"sorry to interject, noel" hah. hugh can be polite!

ok, is hugh kidding about selling the guitar? he says "things took a turn for the worse for me, personally" and kind of laughs, but i think he's not kidding here. anyone? because, OW.

aw, gah, hugh, wasted and hat losing and *clings*

and he calls bruce a sweetheart! when talking about bruce telling him to go and learn his fucking lines. angry bruce!

ee, talking about HCR! and hugh is so NICE about it.

♥ bernie once shared a room with brad pitt in LA? brad pitt's character in true romance is based on bernie? HEEEEEEEEEE! this is my favourite new bit of film trivia! \u/

hugh (to noel, unsurprisingly): "this would be a good place for you to shut up."

♥ awwwww. hugh's voice is kind of going at the end here. all scratchy and fucked up and did i mention that i love this film and the commentary has made me love it MORE? it is hard to tell from my *cough* biased *cough* notes, but it was actually interesting and smart and even noel had stuff to say that i wanted to hear.

so. hello. i cannot do commentary on commentary, but i can make high-pitched eeeee noises. my neighbours know this all too well. also it appears that yes, i CAN want to RPS hugh and callum more than i did before. *happy sigh*

hcl, hd/ckr, rps

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