# unfortunate turns of phrase in fic not actually featuring a gang-bang: From then on the group had taken turns passing him around. (not that it was an ENTIRELY unwelcome image *koff*)
# has been raining. all day. grey and manky and miserable, blech. what sort of june do you call this, eh?
# underwhelmed by the killing joke.
also, fridged pregnant wife and attacking-men-through-"their"-women, huh? i see what you guys meant! plus: where does one find a hiring pool of people who work as "sideshow freaks" and are also evil? (yeah, i know. CLEARLY they are evil because LOOK AT THEM! which, uh... no. also the fat lady? clearly worked there already - she's on the poster in the background before the joker talks about hiring workers. that seems an unlikely happenstance - hey, there's an ideal hench-person already on staff? excellent!) weirdly fine with treatment of trauma-induced psychosis though - is it because that's how superhero comics roll? because batman provides the balance (er, in that there's good!crazy as well as bad!crazy in the universe)? because i'm inconsistent and easily distracted? because i once dyed my hair green by accident? however, comic book artists should probably refrain from writing forewords and afterwords unless they have been officially certified as interesting. because guys. you are DULL, not very funny when you think you are, and DULL. and also kind of... bitchy? i just don't feel like reading those added to the experience in any way. btw my bat-knowledge is still very limited - someone explain tyrannosaurus please?
# probably endless day and excess stress at work tomorrow.
i expect to be home late and then to ball up and whimper a bit. must remember to lay in balling-up-and-whimpering supplies (i.e. chocolate fingers, possibly toffee popcorn. maybe wine in case it is an advanced case...) may also serve as gah-uterus supplies as i feel pre-crampy and erghy too.