Dec 02, 2004 16:33
So I kissed my gay friend Kevin yesterday. He was sad that I had never kissed anyone in such a long time and was shocked at such a fact that he said he'd kiss me the last day of school. He wasn't going to be here the next couple days and he re-scheduled it to yesterday. It was interesting. To bad hes on the wrong team! Ha ha. I'm at school waiting for my ride. My friend Hector is sitting beside me waiting to borrow my computer printer account and now I'm just writing slower to make him wait. SHABADO! Hector smells Hector smells. He smells of gasoline on a summers day. Okay, gonna study for exams. HECTAR TAKE THE COMPUTER NOW> he's tellin me I'm bi now.... who does that remind me of???? tee hee later kids