Jun 06, 2006 18:32
Not really. Haven't seen the Omen. Don't plan to. Plus don't believe in Satan anyway...
Still interesting date that won't be happening again any time soon.
I've got my first exam tomorrow yay! Not. Didn't do much study. I've had work and 21st birthday and general laziness. I was upset that I had an exam so soon without much time to study, but really I've had pleantly of time I just haven't really used it. Oh well. We'll see how I go. It's pretty basic subject. Psychologial Testing, Ability and Ethics. I've done a lab report on the testing part, the ethics stuff is pretty obvious and covered elsewhere, the ability is probably the most difficult, but in terms of remembering things rather than the content itself.
Then I've got counselling on Friday which I've done nothing for. I plan to do that all on Thursday in a massive cram with a friend of mine. It's only 12 lectures - the first three all on ethics - all about the different techniques one can use. We've covered them in class and again it's simply about knowing which is which.
Two more after that are a bit spread out. One on the 13th - Philosophy, I have the exam questions already so I'll just write up my answers beforehand and try to remember them when I'm in the exam.
Then the following tuesday is my final psyc - Perception and Personality. It's going to be the hardest simply because perception is crap. Everyone hates it and no one really understands it all so we'll see what happens. It's a multichoice exam so as long as I can recongize the answer it'll be all good.
The most worrying thing is my driving test on the monday beforehand. I'm so worried I'm going to make one little mistake - but rather it being one where I just loose a couple of points it's going to be a fatal one like going up the curb or going a tiny bit over the speed limit. Argh. Nervous.
So hopefully by the 21st I'll have my P's and be happy with all my exam results. Then I can work on my new layout. Probably going for a 'How I met your mother' one. I was going to make it Charmed, but I might wait until the s8 DVD's are out so I can do it with good quaility caps.