What you take won't kill you, but careful what you're giving

Mar 07, 2006 02:01

February sure was a month. I knew from the very beginning that it'd be a certain amount of doom, but remember that with great responsibility comes great fun. Or something like that.

The month began with our generic local sports team winning some sort of Bowl. There were riots within walking distance.

Shortly thereafter, I participated in a week-long drama workshop, which was poorly managed but largely fun. It set me back a week with respect to Studio work, which would ultimately factor into my overwhelming demise in all matters concerning Project I, but that would come about with Lunar Gala anyway.

There was Valentine's Day, for which I concocted an adventure.

Much of the rest of the month was spent working on Project I and Lunar Gala, which had simultaneous due dates, in a seemingly universal plot to screw me over. Both resolved reasonably well, despite certain overt ponce and bureaucracy on some people's parts, and on February 25th, it was showtime.

My set was Titania, Moth, Peaseblossom, Mustardseed, Cobweb, and Oberon. My quickchanges were intense (my bruise from running into that cherrypicker whilst retrieving Titania's EL wire has yet to fade completely), and things never stopped being frighteningly close to falling apart. A minute and a half of stage time is awfully short for several months of effort and $500 grant money, but [self-critique time now] although I left a lot of details unresolved in the name of time, budget, and the Thirty Foot Rule, it came together fairly solidly. One of the producers' cousins apparently compared my work favorable to a Tim Burton movie (the Depeche Mode I picked for my models to walk to probably helped), and Adam Sandler told me he liked my stuff.

My awesome parents were in town for LG and after the show, we grabbed some food with some of my favorite people (two and a half of which will be my housemates next year, because my life is awesome like that). My parents left for Chicago shortly thereafter, leaving me with a new skirt and a new CD.

The next weekend (technically March, but in the spirit of February, clearly) was the Beaux Arts Ball. I had originally (way back at the beginning of the school year) planned to make some sort of cute costume set for Akiva, Matt, Carmen, and myself. This plan, like many others, was shattered on the cruel shores of LG, and quickly rebuilt on the same location. My simple plan was to recycle LG costumes for the Ball, and that is mostly how it worked out. It turned out that Carmen was doing crazyamountsoftechwork, so she dressed herself. I had thrown together a clear vinyl dress over winter break that I wore over a black skirt and black turtleneck, and a black and teal tulle skirt and some EL wire. Also I had anime hair and a tiara. Akiva and Matt went as my Moth and my Cobweb, respectively. I briefly assisted dlstern with his lovely light-up lamp hat, and I safety-pinned things onto Chrisamaphone so she looked somewhat street angel.

The music I heard was excellent, and I appreciate Tech's effort in what was almost certainly the venue from hell (what with the narrow hallways, spaces not intended to be lit, and hard marble walls to thoroughly screw with one's acoustics). I really liked the cello/guitars/beatboxing group that was playing backstage in Kresge; if anyone has any information on them, I'd love to hear it. Also, I heard another Originals concert. The blond one (I think he solo'd "Creep") is one of my new heroes, in the same vein as jcreed and Willem Dafoe, although possibly on a lesser level.

Letterpress continues to be awesome, especially last Thursday, when Erika and I went to the fabric store, which was conveniently going out of business. Everything in the store was 80% off, provided you buy the rest of the bolt. Now I just have to figure out what to do with these sixteen yards of fabric.

Spring break starts on Friday. Friday and Saturday morning I will be volunteering at the Pittsburgh FIRST Regional.
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