Fic: Black Alchemy: Cliques

Mar 30, 2006 00:45

Author: Perceval
Title: Black Alchemy: Cliques
Characters: Bellatrix Black, Andromeda Black, Lucius Malfoy, Sirius Black and the rest of the Marauders, Severus Snape, Horace Slughorn
Rating: PG
Summary: Hogwarts, Spring 1971. It's Andromeda Black's sixth year, and she has a lot on her plate, from her NEWT studies, to a hostile Headmaster, her bossy Head Girl big sister, her Prefect duties, and troublesome first years, including her cousin.
Warnings: None.
Archiving: Yes.
A/N: These stories do tie together. Really. :)

Hogwarts, Spring, 1971

Professor Slughorn was feeling quite proud.

True, only one Slytherin was among the four Sixth Years who had just been given approval by Headmaster Dumbledore to have Alchemy as their independent course study for their NEWTs in their final year. But all four, Andromeda Black, Robin Lovegood, Tellus Ollivander, and Ted Tonks, were HIS, part of his collection, his Slug Club. Unsurprisingly, but disappointingly, Slughorn had had to personally intervene to convince Dumbledore to approve Andromeda's course study. He'd had to contact Nicolas Flamel and explain the situation. Flamel was quite concerned, and Nicolas Flamel was someone even Albus Dumbledore had to listen to. While the Headmaster had no problem approving the three Ravenclaws, he took issue with Andromeda, specifically the changes she had gone through over the last couple of years, her "Will to Power" philosophy, and her extensive Dark Arts knowledge. Slughorn had told Dumbledore that Andromeda wasn't the Black sister he needed to worry about. Andromeda just didn't feel the need to put on a false front to get the approval of authority figures. She took pleasure in being Hogwarts's most controversial student. For that matter, the entire quartet now calling themselves the Thelema Circle enjoyed raising eyebrows.

"And two of them are Prefects!" Professor McGonagall huffed after one of their scandalous antics.

"I'd have thought," Slughorn had replied, "that you'd be pleased that Andromeda and Ted were getting along."

That development HAD come as quite the shock to the Hogwarts staff, except for Slughorn, of course. The Slytherin pureblood and Ravenclaw muggleborn had been fierce rivals since they first stepped off the Hogwarts Express, in the classroom, on the Quiddich Pitch, and in the Dueling Club. There were even concerns that the two would kill each other. But, Slughorn knew them both so well, and saw the alchemy at work between them. Dumbledore, he was certain, had to have seen it, too, but... Andromeda's old tutor in Dark and Ancient Magics was an old wound for the Headmaster. Andromeda's fascinations reminded him too much of someone else.

"Well, perhaps she'll grow out of it," McGonagall suggested, "like her sister did."


Bellatrix Black, Head Girl at Hogwarts, was amused. The object of her amusement was Lucius Malfoy, Sixth Year Slytherin Prefect, along with her sister Andromeda. Lucius was rather upset, as he often was, these days, with Andy. Their families had betrothed them, and Andy seemed to be ignoring this. Lucius, Bella thought, was a rather spoiled boy, taking everything for granted, so she was enjoying Andy putting him through the wringer. She especially enjoyed watching Lucius's horrified expression at Andy's arrival at the annual Summer Ball the previous year. Bella, herself, had caused quite an uproar the year before, wearing an obviously fake tiara and setting loose rats on the floor, and wondered what Andy would do to equal it. Andy arrived with her best friend, Tellus Ollivander. Tellus was wearing a quite glamorous gown designed after muggle fashions of the '30s, which matched her large, moonlike, silver eyes. On her arm was Andy.

"That's... an outrage!" Bella's aunt had exclaimed.

Bella had smiled, and said "I think she looks quite fetching. I know it's muggle, but muggle fashions are becoming quite popular with the wealthy pureblood circle."

Her aunt had glared at her, as that wasn't the issue. But, Bella was very proud of her sister, who looked wonderful in her tuxedo. Bella knew their parents would be keeping a very close eye on their youngest, Narcissa, this Summer.

Of course, ever since, there was all sorts of gossip about just how close Andy and Tellus were. The Sixth Year Gryffindor Prefects, Frank Longbottom and Alice Robins, seemed especially offended. But then, Bella mused, Andy had ALWAYS offended those two, as had she. Alice had complained, "Bella, I know she's your sister, but we have to share the Prefect's Bath with those two after they've been doing who knows what!"

Bella merely turned on the Patented Black Smirk and replied, "I've been sharing intimate baths with Andy for years." and walked away. She'd have to find some way of reassuring Lucius, though.

"Lucius, as far as I know, Tellus is still involved with Robin Lovegood." But, before Lucius looked too relieved, she added, "Of course, those three are rather close knit." Lucius, however, had another concern.

"What about Tonks?"

Bella couldn't believe her ears. Lucius was worried about the mudblood?

"Really, Lucius, this is Andy we're discussing. While she may have her little Alchemy clique, she's one of us. She knows her responsibilities, and she knows her loyalties. She and I have always been together on everything, and we always will be."

Lucius nodded, in understanding, as there were some things they couldn't discuss openly at Hogwarts, where the walls had ears.

"Besides," Bella smiled and added, "even if she is shagging Tellus, she'll still perform her duties and pop out an heir for you." Didn't want Lucius too reassured, after all. Give him something to squirm about.

Lucius decided it was best to change the subject. "Speaking of loyalties and responsibilities, what about that cousin of yours?"

Bella frowned. Ah, yes, Sirius, in his first year, and somehow sorted into Gryffindor.

"Well, if I had a mother like his, I'd probably do anything to get the old goat's... goat. He looks up to Andy, though, and she promised to be a good influence on him."


Severus Snape was not having a good day. For that matter, it hadn't been a good year. Really, if you got down to it, it hadn't been a good life. This particular day, though, he'd chosen to take out some frustrations verbally on a mudblood Gryffindor girl. Now, he was getting beaten up by three Gryffindor boys, James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew. A fourth Gryffindor boy, Remus Lupin, was trying to get the others to stop. Severus couldn't help but notice, though, that Lupin wasn't trying particularly hard.

Remus Lupin was frantic. This had gotten out of hand. Snape did have it coming, he thought, but there had to be a better way than this. Besides... Remus sniffed the air, and recognized a familiar group of scents, one of which he was especially fond of.

"James! Sirius! Prefects! Sirius, It's your cousin!"

The Gryffindors froze.

"Which cousin?" Sirius wondered. This would be bad, but there were degrees of badness. He looked, and fortunately, this was the lesser degree. The Prefects were his cousin Andy and Ted Tonks, who were with those other two Andy always hung with, these days. Andy was his favorite cousin, always going to the coolest places, meeting the coolest people, and always having the coolest music. He'd have to accompany her to one of her late night trips to muggle London one of these days. He'd bring the gang along. They'd love it.

Andy had changed her look, yet again. Her hair was now long and black, her clothes black and very form fitting, and she had black eyeliner. She was looking extremely female, again, Sirius thought. But, her current look had been influenced by some new muggle rock stars named Mark Bolan and Alice Cooper (who was, strangely enough, a guy), so maybe she wasn't being too feminine, after all. At the moment, though, the look just made her scary, as she was obviously quite angry. Well, maybe Tonks would take their side. She was motioning Tonks and the others away. She wanted to handle this alone. Uh oh.

'Whatever you do," he told his friends, "do NOT lie to her. She'll know."

The other three Gryffindors gulped. They knew Andromeda Black's reputation. Severus looked up. Maybe the day was impoving, after all. He knew not to lie to Andromeda, of course, or her sisters, one of the very first lessons he learned at Hogwarts.

"Just be cool..." Sirius whispered, "Just be completely honest..."

Andy glared at the boys, looking them each in the eyes. They felt as if her eyes could peer into their very souls.


"HE STARTED IT!!!" Sirius shouted, pointing at Severus.

Remus sighed. Yeah, really cool and honest, Sirius...

James decided this was a good time to take the lead.

"Snape called Lily Evans a 'filthy mudblood'. We went after him for it."

Andy looked startled, but just for a second. She turned her piercing glare to Snape. Severus was terrified.

"Dont tell them, don't tell them..." he pleaded in his mind, begging her not to reveal his halfblood heritage.

Andy shook her head, sadly, and rendered her judgment.

"Remus, since you did try to stop things, you won't be punished. As for the rest of you, I will be talking to your Heads of Houses, and suggest the appropriate disciplinary actions."

Sirius and Severus realized that this meant they'd each have a personalized Circle of Hell, but it could be worse. Unfortunately, James decided to take the lead, again.

"Right," he scoffed, "like you're going to punish HIM." He motioned to Severus.

"Oh, crap..." thought Sirius.

"Excuse me?" Andy asked, her voice dripping with ice.

"Shutupshutupshutup..." thought Sirius.

"Like you're going to punish one of your own."

"I HOPE you're referring to my cousin, here."

"You know what I'm talking about! You're not going to punish another Slytherin pureblood that's into the Dark Arts!"

Andy recognized the irony in what the whelp had just said, even if no one else but Severus did, but she was too angry to appreciate it. She was having to put all her concentration, at the moment, into calming herself. She felt the snake within, coiled, wanting to strike. She remembered her exercises, and was shortly able to address the boy completely detached.

"Because you're so young, and therefore immature, I'm going to let that go. However, Mr. Potter, if you intend to crusade against prejudice, you need to take a good, hard, look at your own. You'll look like less of a complete hypocrite, that way. You're dismissed." As the five boys started to leave, she added, "Except for you, Remus. We need to talk, privately".

Oh no, she knows. Remus was afraid of this moment, when someone would learn his secret. Well, best to get it over with...

"About Severus," she began, "I know he can be rather trying. He has a bad attitude, and, well, his hygiene issues must especially bother you, considering your condition..."

Remus couldn't help but chuckle, even though she had just made it clear she knew of his lycanthropy, and even that his senses were still heightened when the moon wasn't full. For some reason, he felt calm despite this, as though she were radiating it, projecting it to him. He supposed she just might be doing that. She was a mind reader, after all, so who was to say she couldn't project emotions? Still, he felt surprisingly at ease, with her. Maybe it was her scent.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Although, I'm not the only Legilimen around here. There'll be others, so you'll have to learn to guard your thoughts."

He'd hadn't thought of that. How could he keep others out of his head? How was he going to learn?

"I can teach you," she said.

What did she say?

"You'd do that?"

"Of course. Oh, and you can tell Sirius, by the way. He won't hold it against you. He'll think it's cool, and he's VERY loyal."

"Thank you." He paused, then added, "Don't take this the wrong way, but... You're not like most Slytherins. You're nice, and very thoughtful and considerate."

She smiled.

"Funny, I was about to say you weren't like most Gryffindors for the same reasons. Plus, you're more mature than most, especially my cousin."

Remus laughed.


"Tell him if he doesn't shape up, though, I'll REALLY punish him. I won't tell him where all the secret passages in and out of Hogwarts that Bella and I found are." She smiled mischievously.

Excited, Remus asked, "There's more... Um, there's secret passages?"

"Aside from that one, yes. There's one that takes you right into Honeydukes."

"Really? I'll... make sure he gets the message."


"Um... Are you sure you don't have an ulterior motive in helping me?"

"Well... If it'll make you feel better, and not destroy your image of Slytherins, you'll owe me some favors. How's that?"

"OK, a Faustian bargain is something my mind can handle."

"You know the term 'Faustian'? Wow, you really AREN'T like most Gryffindors. Why weren't you in Ravenclaw?"


lucius malfoy, fic-blackalchemy, author-ebailey140, bellatrix (black) lestrange, fic, andromeda (black) tonks [7], severus snape, sirius black [6]

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