Fic: Black Alchemy: Flattening Gryffindor

Mar 29, 2006 22:45

Author/Artist: Perceval
Title: Black Alchemy: Flattening Gryffindor
Characters: Nymphadora Tonks, Charlie Weasley, Oliver Wood
Rating: PG
Summary: Hogwarts, Spring 1991. Two old enemies meet before their final battle.
Warnings: None, except a little Gryffindor... criticism.
Archiving: Yes
A/N: The first in what's proven to be a non-linear series on the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, having gone through yet one more round of editing. One day, I'm sure I'll be happy with it. :)

Hogwarts, Spring, 1991

"So, Tonks, studying old strategies? Think it's going to help you in our final match?"

Nymphadora Tonks sighed. She had better things to do than deal with Charlie Bloody Weasley, this afternoon. But, experience had taught her that ignoring the annoying Gryffindor wouldn't make him go away. She looked up from her book, and, surprise, Weasley wasn't alone. The Wood kid was with him.

"Actually, Weasley," she said cooly, "I'm not at all concerned about that. I'm studying for my NEWTs, which YOU should be doing, by the way. There ARE more important things than Quiddich."

This, as Dora knew, would be enough to set Oliver Wood off. "WHAT? More important things than QUIDDICH?" the outraged Fourth Year bellowed.

Dora had always found it easy to set off Gryffindors, a trait, she was told by her Head of House, she inherited from her mother. It had become almost a hobby for Dora, as Gryffindors were so easily scandalized. Her ever changing hair, her fashion sense, her attitude, and, of course, her heritage always gave them something to be offended by. Time to use the Patented Black Smirk.

Really, Wood," she said in the Patented Black Condescending Tone, "I love playing Quiddich, but it IS just a game."

"Just... a GAME?" The poor boy was becoming animated, now. "QUIDDICH is LIFE! It's SYMBOLIC of ALL WE ARE! It's POETRY! It's the neverending BATTLE! It's..."

"Getting us quite a few stares. Weasley, could you keep your boy from making a scene?"

Charlie Weasley looked at Dora, smugly. "Well, Oliver, the losers have to pretend it's no big deal."

"As I recall, Weasley, our record against each other as Seekers is 2 and 2."

"Well, this'll settle it, then."

"I suppose. Are you done, here? Because I really need to study. I do have my future to think about, you know."

"Oh, of course." Charlie Weasley had that sanctimonious expression Gryffindors just seem to pick up. "Boning up on your Dark Arts, I suppose. Or, did you learn enough of that, at home?"

Dora's eyes turned from grey to black.

Coldly, she replied, "As a matter of fact, I am, and I did." She gave the Gryffindors a moment to be shocked and disgusted by her candor, before adding, "After all, I do need to know these things since I'm going to be an Auror."

She smiled. For once, a Weasley was speechless, if only for a few moments.

"Well, if we're finished with our pre-Quiddich match posturing, you two can be on your way."

Weasley muttered "Auror... Yeah, right..." as he and Wood stalked off.

Dora heard Wood mutter "Freak..."

Dora resisted the urge to hex them into next week. Too many witnesses. She chided herself. How was it that Gryffindors always made her channel her mother? And how dare they call anybody else arrogant, elitist, and bullies? At least her own House wasn't self righteous about it. They called her Teacher's Pet, but Professor Snape was tougher on her than he was anybody, because he held higher expectations of her than he did the rest. Oh well... This would be her last Quiddich match, and she was going to enjoy it. She had always made these matches memorable, making her hair green with silver highlights, which the crowds loved... Or, at least the Slytherins did. Charlie Weasley had been her best rival for years, but he took everything so personally. She wasn't going to let the Gryffindors spoil the moment for her, though. She was going to go out there, have fun, and may the best team win.


She landed with the Snitch proudly displayed, as her teammates lifted her on their shoulders. She saw Charlie Weasley, and his face looked as red as his hair. She gave him the Patented Black Smug Look of Victory. Yeah, it was just a game, but, just for this moment, she was going to allow herself to bask in such trivial matters. And gloat. Yes, there'd be lots of gloating.


"Heaven knows, we need a better team than last year. Flattened in that last match with Slytherin, I couldn't look Severus Snape in the face for weeks..." - Professor Minerva McGonagall, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

fic, fic-blackalchemy, author-ebailey140, nymphadora (tonks) lupin

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