Mar 02, 2008 21:38
So Sunday is my birthday and as usual I dread it's arrival. For the past few years, I haven't had the most pleasant experiences on that day. That is, I'm not saying that I don't like my family all getting together to celebrate the oh-so-wonderful me, but it's just that I end up being the one that has to please everyone and cater to their specific needs. I have to wake up early, clean my room, change out of my PJs, and eat cake (yuk).
(This year, the plan is to get what I want, but in a nice way)
And also, my dad's birthday falls 9 (10 this year) days before mine and every year I try to come up with something really great to get him even though every year I get some completely outdated present from him because he hasn't really been keeping up, unless, of course, I have a specific request, in which case I feel like I could just get it for myself and save him the trouble. But anyhow...
I can't recall actually getting him a present for umm... ever... So this year I came up with, what can only be called the "Best Daughter Ever" birthday package. Firstly, I albumed (new word, make it happen) our Cape Cod vacation 2007, and it's really very nice, and I will just digress for a moment to say that I never used to buy into this whole sentimental stuff but I found out that apparently my mom has kept some very poorly made unidentifiable thing I made her about 15 years ago (give or take 3-5 years) and she refuses to part with it, so anyway, this naturally awakened the considerate daughter in me and made me want to give my parents actual GOOD presents, thus the album. Also, I highly doubt those photos will ever see the light of day if it wasn't for my little initiative, and if a disaster strikes, like, oh, a hard disk burn *throws salt over shoulder or something*, I'd really like those photos to be preserved, and also those on facebook (yay facebook).
Whoa, sorry about that... Let's move on to item number 2; the cook book. Now, this could be a hit/miss kind of scenario. I got him a book about how to make delicious looking BBQ (Sure, it looks good but it tastes like meat), and he's really into it. During my summer visits, we have BBQ almost every day (except days when there's no meat in the house, thank god), and my dad is just an overall cooking type person so I really hope he likes it. The book also has a special feature, or at least I think it's a feature, that it has those thick cardboard pages that will allow for it to be man-handled, touched by greasy fingers, possible burned (accidentally) and also, left lying in the dirt and rain in the back yard for days on end (my family's like that). Well, I hope he likes it but I shall never know because parents always pretend to like what their kids give them (even the apparently hideous thing my mom still keeps, although since I have no idea what it actually is, my sources are not that reliable).
And finally, or maybe, one before finally, although the last one would probably be more of a "present for everyone and you better like it and smile" kind of deal, I'm torn between either huge frame containing Cuba 2007 photos (of which I was not a part of for various annoying reasons) or albuming it. Of course, I don't want it to seem like I totally gave him a rip off of my own present, but the photos are really nice, and I'm not actually sure if he has enough room for that huge frame I have my eye on for the present. when you get write-off stuff for free at your work place, you don't always have the option to pick and choose. But anyhow, if I do go with another album, I have no idea what to use. I'm out of photo albums, even free, product show ones, but I'm not sure who is stronger, me or my laziness. All this, of course, is a concern for tomorrow.
Oh, finally on to my greatest dilemma. Family portrait. If anybody knows me, they are surely also familiars with "the diagram" of my family relations. For argument's sake, let's say I have 3 brothers and 1 sister and 2 dads and 1 mom. Now I know it sounds harsh to not see my step-mom as an actual parent, but the thing is, she never actually raised me and I can't attribute any of my highly charming persona to her. She is still a part of my family, just not my second mom. Moving on to my actual point, my two sets of parents are not the best of friends, but they manage to get along for a few weekend stays per year. As I found out today though, my step-mom makes both step-dad and mommy "uncomfortable". Now, I couldn't care less how they feel about each other, but what I do care about is having a memory in the form of pictures of MY whole family being together at least once. I'm beginning to feel as if it's selfish of me to want a picture with my real mom and dad, and I'm certain my brother will attest to that as well, because I know that once this whole living at home business is over, my family will most likely never be in the same room together in that specific collective, except maybe on my wedding, but that's hopefully a long way away. So I'm actually not selfish, I'm just being guilted!
Here's the plan: innocently insist on my demands until step-dad caves, hide details from daddy and step-mommy, so as not to cause anxiety, and finally plan a complete itinerary for the two days so that they absolutely can't refuse. Brilliant.
Now that I can afford to buy myself all the useless crap I want, I just want my family together on my birthday and I want them to have a nice time. I believe, not too much to ask.
master plan,
brothers and sister