crazy little thing called love

Mar 11, 2008 10:24

bazcat89's Unofficial Shipping Meme!... that I have bastardized and made into my own.

If you think I am WRONG about one of these lovely (or not so lovely) ships, I dare you to prove me wrong. DARE!!

Ships I Actively Write

Lily/James -- um, I feel as though this should be pretty obvious to anyone who's kept up with my crap for a while, but basically I love them. Inexplicably. Actually the possible explanation may be that "they were the only canon ship in the Marauder era for ages and I am both a canon and a Marauder-era whore", but, you know, whatevs. They are great and I love them and the masive James hate that exploded into fandom after DH and OOTP simultaneously makes me laugh and cry. Well, not really cry. But come on guys you know he was a bamf.

Dorea/Charlus - !!!! I'm actually not kidding. I love them despite the fact that there is literally zero information abotu them in canon at all! Hurrah! I work on letter_project with Sharon which is a Dorea/Charlus collaboration andddd basically it has made me adore them. Fact.

Remus/Tonks -- So the story goes that I never even considered this ship in OOTP and laughed at all the people who shipped it, and then Rowling laughed in my face and made it canon. The weird thing is I like Remus, I like Tonks, I even like writing Remus/Tonks (delicious delicious angst!) but I don't actually really like Remus/Tonks in theory. I don't know.

Teddy/Victoire -- Pretty much I'm just interested in Teddy, and Victoire comes along with that. Writing A Standing Inferiority Complex makes me like Victoire a little more, I guess. Anyway, they're the only next-gen ship I give two shits about. Huzzah!

Apparently that's it. Awesome. DIVERSITY IS COOL GUYS.

Ships I Like and/or Read

Andromeda/Ted - I don't read this too often, but it's cute when I come across it. Oh Andromeda, you crazy rebel, you.

unrequited!Snape/Lily - I actually liked this before DH, secretly in secret because I knew everyone would mock me. (THEY SO DID at UR, too.) However I remain quite picky about how it is done, because it is a fine line to walk between making Severus cohesive with canon and making him a whiny emo bastard.

Bill/Fleur - I've read this like, twice, and I guess I'm mostly just a fan of it in theory/canon, but whatever. Fleur is a complete bamf and I loved her bringing the smackdown on Molly in HBP. Fuck yes, Fleur.

Rodolphus/Bella - I like the idea of insane!crazy!sexual!Bella/Rodolphus. I am sort of sad the giant collaboration I was supposed to write with fifty different people never got off the ground. And then JKR essentially sank them anyway. But whatever.

Charlie/Tonks - Because as everyone else has said, BEING AT SCHOOL AT THE SAME TIME MEANS THEY OBVIOUSLY DID EACH OTHER! Plus it's in my letter thingy with inksplotched.

Frank/Alice - Awww, cute. I haven't read much of them, though.

Ships I am netural towards

Sirius/Remus - It is essentially unavoidable. I have spotted it many times in my travels. If it's well-written and I can believe that they're acting in a relatively in-character way, it's cool and I can actually enjoy it. This is like, 50% of the time. If either one of them acts like a thirteen-year-old girl it makes me want to die. I loathe cheesy, pathetic romance even more when the two people in question are adolescent males. Good lord.

On that note, James/Sirius and the even less popular Remus/James - Um, eh, why not. Like all slash for me this falls under the "must be incredibly well-written and seem relatively in-character" category (which implies taht somewhere out there people look for poorly written, out-of-character slash... shut up, I'm sure it happens). I don't think it's particularly plausible -- particularly Remus/James, wtf -- but... whatevs! Poor Peter is missing out on all the gay sex. Sad.

Lily/Remus - I can see the appeal, I guess, but... eh. It doesn't do much for me. Thanks for making this even more "canon", POA!movie. :|

Lily/Sirius - I read this once in a while, but usually it just bothers me because it veers into the realms of backstabbing and adultery and infidelity and ... blah. I'm okay with it if it's pre-Lily/James, but it pretty much never is, so.

Ron/Hermione - I pretty much never read them, because I just don't care, but they're cute in canon. Even if I kind of hate Ron a little.

Harry/Ginny - They're actually the only trio!ship I've written, though I don't know why. They don't particulary excite me, but I guess because we see less of them than Ron/Hermione it interests me more? Or I just hate Ron. Yeah, that might be it.

Harry/Hermione - I know, what blasphemy. But it doesn't bother me much, theoretically, except that it breaks away from canon and I do love my canon. Again this stems from Ron-hate. What can you do.

Lucius/Narcissa - Only buttfacemakani can make me care. Tru fax.

Luna/Neville - It would've been a little too perfect to have everyone from the DoM fall MADLY IN LOVE OMGZ. Still, I can see Neville liking her I guess. I can't really see Luna ... with... anyone, to be honest. Sorry Rolf.

Fred/Angelina - Fred is a bamf and so is Angelina. I don't search them out but it doesn't bother me. George/Angelina is a little odd but it works I guess.

Basically Every Other Canon Ship - I accept canon. I just don't care about like.. Draco/Astoria. Wtfever.

McGonagall/Tom - I can accept it, but I don't prefer it. Mostly, like my future self afterthree, I support Tom/No One, lirl.

Ships I Do Not Like

Luna/Dean - Sorry no. Just... no, I don't care, LIRL. I have no affection for Dean.

Draco/Ginny - ROMEO AND JULIET OMGZ. No. Draco is not suave and he's clearly not going to go against his family (srsly just look at him). Ginny is so not up for that either.

Draco/Hermione - Because all characters that hate each other secretly want to do each other, right?! Wrong.

Draco/Harry - This combines my hate of the above situation with my general disinterest in slash and... just... everything. I'm not feelin' it.

requited!Lily/Severus - I firmly believe they were just BFFs and I don't lke when Lily thinks of him as anything else. I imagine she was pleasantly oblivious, actually.

Snape/Marauder - No. This violates the "relatively in-character" clause by... a thousand.

Lily cheating on James and/or James cheating on Lily - D: This one makes me sad. They only get like, what, five years together, they can be faithful that long, I think. It can't be that hard! Bambi's Mom/Great Prince of the Forest OTP.

Lily/Narcissa - ...Eh. This just makes me scratch my head. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have shared recipes, much less... anything else.

Hermione/Pansy - Something tells me that if Hermione were to go lesbian it would not be for a pug-faced Slytherin who repeatedly throws slurs at her. But I've been wrong before.

Sirius/Commited Long-Term Relationship AND Sirius/Every Woman In Great Britain - I think it's relatively obvious he was never the "settle down" type, but I also hate when fics go on and on about how Sirius is a giant whore LOLOLOOL. Of course those fics are usually poorly written, but. (It's not so much the promiscuity as it is the ridiculous insane promiscuity that is constantly referred to through use of words like "man-whore" tha I hate.)

Blackcest - particlarly of the Sirius/Bellatrix or Black Sister Threesome variety. I find it quite squicky, must admit.

Snape/Hermione - I honestly don't get where this came from. Was someone just like "man they're both intelligent! NEVERMIND GENERATIONAL GAPS, THEY CAN BOND OVER THEIR LOVE FOR ACADEMIA!"

Rose/Scorpius - This falls under the "they went to school together THEREFORE THEY MUST BE IN LOVE!!!" category but I'm not feeling it this time. It feels like a massive plot device to have Weasley/Malfoy interaction. Which it is. But, um, shush.

For that matter, Albus/Scorpius - The only thing I can see these two bonding over is how shitty their names are. Plus I don't buy the "Albus is a Slytherin" thing. He so isn't. That kid was a giant pansy. ...I don't know, it makes sense in my head, SHUSH.

James/Teddy - This combines my disinterest in slash with age gaps of questionable ethics.

Ships I'm Pretty Sure Have (Almost) No Following But I Irrationally Support Anyway

Teddy/Gabrielle - You know he totally crushed on the hot foreign aunt before Victoire got hot enough. True story.

Actually, Gabrielle/Anyone - What a fox.

Regulus/Lily - This defies the laws of logic. I love it.

(unrequited)Walburga/Tom Riddle - Pft, you know she wanted to hit that. And he was all, "bitch, plz, I have a world to take over, here, gtfo" and she was all "D: WOE I guess I'll just marry my cousin". Um yeah. This happened. Fact.

PS - Thanks guys, now I have another new (and prettier) layout. =) _thirty2flavors

harry potter, meme

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