fic: the sun will come out - lily/james

Mar 09, 2008 21:12

It's that time of year again! What time, you say? Why, time for christycorr's head to explode as she tries to organize the UnknowableRoom Hourglass Awards! Yaaaay! The Hourglass Awards are simply an annual awards ... ...thing that gives sparkly (well, not really) banners by bluebellflames to people who write HP fanfiction that appeases the judges. Fun stuff, yes? CLEARLY I MAKE IT SOUND IRRESISTABLE.

Presently, the Hourglass Awards are looking for nominations, which can be sent in here. You do need an account at to post a nomination, but if you don't have one, it's really quite easy to join. If you reaaaally can't be bothered but do think a fic ought to be nominated, you can leave me the URL, title & author in a comment and I'll nominate it for you. Because I am awesome.

Categories include Romance (Het), Romance (Slash), Drama, Angst, Drabble or Drabble Collection, AU, Gen, Comedy/Parody and NC-17. The already-nominated fics are listed just below the nomination form that I've already linked you to fifty times. Nominations run until the end of March, and then the judges get to start pulling their hair out. Yay!

In other news, I come bearing fic. Finally! I accomplished very little this weekend other than COMPLETELY screwing myself over academically by, you know, spending time on fic instead of school but I did manage to add like, 100 words to a fic I'd forgotten about and finish it! I can feel your excitement now!

Title: The Sun Will Come Out
(Also at livejournal if you prefer.)
Word Count: 313
Characters/Pairings: Lily/James, Sirius, Remus, Peter
Rating: G
Summary: Some days, Lily thinks there's no way they won't win.

And in other-other news, we have an assload of snow. We got 50 cms (1'8") this weekend.
This is our back deck:

Our front yard:

Back yard:

Let's go swinging!

...or not.

ETA: I hate snow so much I decided to change my layout. _thirty2flavors I am sort of enjoying this one, except a few things bother me (like having links on the side, and the really cluttered comment line). If anyone knows places to get pretty layouts for free/plus accounts, hook me up? Most of the pre-made lj ones are comically hideous.

lily evans, life the universe and everything, fic, james potter, lily/james, drabble

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