and now i guess i will go find parks and rec

Feb 09, 2012 21:32

I. I keep coming to make an lj post and then stopping because I realize I don't really have much to say. But I got a new default icon and I want to use it, damn you all, so I am posting anyway! Dealwithit.gif

I blame my lack of having anything to discuss partly on the fact that my lj tends to be fandom-dominated and nothing interesting has been happening in Doctor Who fandom since forever. I guess they start filming series 7 in a week or so. I would be lying if I said I was super pumped, but I am pretty curious about who the next companion will be. Oh, and I guess they announced some more writers, including my bro Toby Whithouse. And also my mortal enemy Chris Chibnall.

Series 6 stole his "writer of my least favourite episode ever" crown. HAS HE COME TO RECLAIM IT IN SERIES 7? My guess is "probably". I seriously can't with Chibnall, like at least with Moffat I can see the things he does that appeal to people even when they don't appeal to me.

II. In other fandom-ish news I guess, we watched Decoy Bride last week, the shitty romcom David Tennant filmed approximately a billion years ago just after Doctor Who. I wasn't expecting much and I still thought it was disappointingly awful. The script was just generally poorly-written and ill-conceived and the characters behaved in ways nonsensical even in the land of romcoms. I started writing a post about why it was so terrible but it's not even funny-bad, just bad-bad. Consider this my suggestion that no one spend the $10 or whatever it is to rent this or go see it in theatres. This is why God invented the internet.

So to cleanse our palates, Tay and I (re)watched Casanova.

Eighteenth century hipsters

Tay had never seen it before; I think Casanova is the first non-Doctor Who thing I saw David Tennant in back in like 2008 and I accidentally watched the episodes out of order, so I didn't remember it particularly well other than that I had enjoyed it despite having to jigsaw the plot together due to my own incompetence. Anyway, my memory served me well, because it was excellent. Probably my favourite non-Doctor Who non-Shakespeare David Tennant-related thing, predictably. Oh RTD, I both love and miss you. I assume basically all of you have seen it by now but if you haven't go watch that instead of Decoy Bride. Alternatively just rewatch it instead of watcing Decoy Bride, both of these options are preferable.

III. We also watched Karen Gillan in "We'll Take Manhattan". It... was pretty dull IMO, but Karen was adorable. Unfortunately the moral seemed to be "people realizing that Karen Gillan is beautiful", which is a hard moral to really connect with.

IV. Considering I started this post with nothing to say, it's gotten pretty long. I will end with a meme lifted from kilodalton: Leave me a character and I'll tell you my top 3 ships for them.

david tennant is pretty okay i guess, karen gillan: goddess of hair, project watch all the things, doctor who

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