Jul 28, 2011 22:12

LJ ARE YOU WORKING? omg never leave me again. Out of boredom I was driven to the bitter arms of Tumblr and it is not the same. So many people being wrong, so little ability to have an actual discussion. Basically time I spend on Tumblr is like

Step 1: Search for a more generic tag like 'doctor who'
Step 2: "Like" a couple graphics that I will never be able to do anything with but which are pretty
Step 3: Encounter wrong opinions
Step 4: Become filled with futile, impotent rage
Step 5: Flounce to a more specific character and/or actor tag
Step 6: Repeat Step 2
Step 7: Encounter something somehow relating to Much Ado About Nothing
Step 8: Brain temporarily overloads on !!!!!!!!!!!
Step 9: Repeat steps 1-8

Anyway, I have some things I might want to post about later when I am more confident in lj's abilities, mostly boring-to-anyone-but-me trip stuff because I leave innnn 29 days now! It's possible I've started a post-it note countdown at work.

In the meantime though, I'm doing that meme floating around where I post quotes from 13 things I ship and YOU GET TO GUESS what they are. Everyone loves guessing games, right? Because I am not much of a shipper I am using the word "ship" rather loosely. I'm not going to screen comments so uh honour system u guise.

1. "I am beautiful enough for the both of us, I think!"

2. "...It's you, stupid."
"Oh. Good. ...Thanks."

3. "Do you really not know how Netflix works?"
"I guess I forgot."
"You're such a ditz."

4. "So much for tying him up."
"I've never tied up a person!"
"'Men are good at knots.' How many times have you told me that?"
"At Christmas!"

5. "I guess I kind of hate most things, but I never really seem to hate you. So I want to spend the rest of my life with you, is that cool?"

6. "Goodbye! No, not goodbye. What's the other one?"

7. "How far away did you think we were?"
"I don't know. It felt far."
"Yeah. "

8. "Don't you see? All we've got is each other."
"Are you asking me out on a date?"

9. "If I could nail a celebrity it would be [her]. She's the star of my heart."
"Aww! ...For me it would be Hugh Jackman."

10. "Not if it was a choice between you and the Giant Squid!"

11. "The old team!"
"Hope and Glory, Mutt and Jeff, Shiver and Shake!"
"Which one's Shiver?"
"Oh, I'm Shake."

12. "I did eenie-meenie-miney-moe and you lost and I still chose you!"

13. "Listen, Sweetcheeks, I am seeing someone who--"
"Let me guess, let me guess - dark haired, domineering, doesn't take any of your crap? You see, a lesser person would mock your inability to move on. I'm going to consider it an homage."
"There is something so soft about you."

life the universe and everything, meme

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