30 female characters meme: neurotic sitcom blondes

Sep 28, 2010 20:10

I. The library had none of the books I was looking for when I went on Saturday, so I declared F THIS and decided to reread Deathly Hallows, since it's the only HP book I've only read once and that was three years ago (!!!! three years ago holy f). I'm only on like chapter 5 but a) while lamenting her death, Harry thinks of Hedwig as "his companion", so I think it is safe to say Ten cried there, and b) LOL man I forgot what a tightly-wound ball of crazy Lupin is in this book. He's like two seconds away from genociding Aragog's babies and calling himself the werewolf victorious. Is part of my disdain for Doctor/Rose babyfic subliminal Remus/Tonks scarring? Maybe.

II. I don't know if anyone on my flist still uses the Cyrillic services on LJ to get the old LJ homepage, but if you do, and you wanna get rid of the godawful "lj times" thing, here's a Greasemonkey script to kill it.

III. I really liked HIMYM last night. Do mine eyes deceive me or did we get something resembling a 3-D Barney rather than the usual cardboard cut-out? More of that, please, show. I know you won’t deliver, but at least until next Monday I can live in hope.

IV. I started doing that song/poem meme but iTunes was giving me such an unfunny collection of songs that I gave up. Instead, onwards with moar of the 30 female characters meme!

DR. ELLIOT REID from Scrubs

“Look, I have spent the last three years in this hospital getting pushed around because I’m little Barbie from Connecticut.
But there’s a new toy in town, and her name is Bitch-Slap Barbie! …from Connecticut.”

Elliot is a neurotic mess of insecurities, euphemisms and strange childhood anecdotes, but somehow that makes her lovable. As a doctor she cares about her work and her patients, and as the show goes on she learns to trust her instincts and stand up for herself.

I tried to find some good Elliot clips on YouTube, but without anything specific to search down I had trouble. And most of the Elliot compilations seem to be called things like “SCRUBS ELLIOT SARAH CHALKE SEXY HOT” which, however accurate, is not what I am going for.

So here are some random Elliot clips:

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BRITTA PERRY from Community

“Knock knock! Who’s there? Cancer! Oh, good, come on in, I thought it was Britta!”

My love for Britta is a bit strange. I have come to like the character, but beyond that I love what the show does with the character - the perpetual lampshading, subverting, and mockery of television tropes is precisely why I love this show, and they do it with Britta Perry better than anyone. The dramatic season-finale declaration of love, the constant bickering with Jeff, the sudden hero-worship in the premiere, her attempted activism, the slightly-condescending desire to look out for other people - the Community writers do a great job of making her both a caricature and a character, both relatable and ridiculous.

Plus, she says “bagel” the right way.

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community, how i met your mother, life the universe and everything, harry potter, 30 fictional women in 15 days, scrubs

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