Mon, 13:15: Attempt to change majors was a fail. Of the epic variety. Now a double major. English AND theater education, grades 6-12. What have I done?
Mon, 14:48: Accomplished way too much today. Need a nap. I am comfortable in my lazyness. Productivity and effort make me uncomfortable.
Mon, 14:59: There should be an age limit on shopping at dELiA*s.. If only for the reason that it's spelled dELiA*s. Except, hello adorable owl cardigan.
Mon, 15:06: Taking 16 hrs nxt semester, including a Kinesiology class (+ lit, math, bio, history). So if you wondered, yep, was nice knowing most of you
Mon, 15:11: Just say no to Veronica Mars movie trailers also known as Spoilage City. Keep them away from me. I'm fasting till March.
Tue, 00:42: Remember when Kirsten Dunst was the bees knees? And Julia Stiles and Drew Barrymore too? I miss my idols.
Tue, 00:55: If I still had to do science projects, I'd do one to determine if one could to listen to Paramore and not jump on a bed singing into a brush
Tue, 01:42: Why do profs close sections when not even half the class is filled? Like do your job. Technically I pay you to do just that.
Tue, 01:43: Television. movies, some music ALL LIES! LIES I TELL YOU! University is the suck. *writes rap song* called I HATE COLLEGE!
Tue, 03:29: It's annoying when you guys are sleeping at 2 in the morning. Who does that? I napped to avoid that, look into it. Including the employed.
Tue, 03:53: Boy: why are you giving terrible advice? Me: dating does sucks, I hate you 97% of the time but you're funny & have good taste in music
Tue, 03:54: I'm going to be an excellent teacher and role model for those high school girls. Or I should probably change majors again.
Tue, 04:08: There really were some magnificent guest stars on ER. This is my still not livetweeting 300 episodes of ER
Tue, 04:10: I understand it's a hostage situation and 3 people have been shot and it's set in the early nineties but can somebody answer that landline!