Stranger crying on the street. Like whatever.

Jul 23, 2009 06:45

You pass a complete stranger on the street and notice they are crying. What do you do?

First off. As The First Evil, I don't pass anyone on a street. I'm Eternal and Omnipresent. I'm everywhere. Always around, always watching. Always taking pleasure in the suffering and misery that befalls mankind throughout the ages.

Being bluntly honest as always. When I watch a complete stranger crying on the street. I usually just ignore them. For a force as great and all powerful as I am, really doesn't like to waste valuable time interacting with just any smuck. In order to be graced by my awesomeness. They gotta be of some importance or have some value. Otherwise they are of no concern and aren't worthy of a moments thought.

However, if I do take the time to pay attention to any of the billions of foolish mortals with there trivial and idiotic problems. I say "Hey you. Stop cryin' like a big cry baby. Nobody wants to hear some loser cry. Now run home to mommy like a good little baby. Or I'll really give you somethin' to cry about."

So yeah, I'm not really much for the helpfulness. I'd probably also toss in some mocking and ridicule. Make the smuck feel like an even bigger loser. Cause being evil and not giving a piss, I can't help but messing with people like that.

In conclusion, I don't care about anyone but myself. I don't give a damn about anyone else's problems. The only thing that matters is me, and what I want. It's all about me baby. And don't you forget it.

And with that less than friendly response. That's about all I gotta say for now. TTFN

Theatrical_Muse: Topic #290
Muse: The First
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 300

theatrical muse

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