I'm sure...

Feb 08, 2005 23:53

..there was something I was gonna post about a few days ago, that was either important or interesting or possibly both (I kno its a steep order, but sometimes i can be both :p), but i cant remember for the life in me!


Hmm..so what HAVE i been up 2? Think, dammit think! Ohh 1 thing..we had some Nintendo DS ppl come in last week (to the shop) and they gave us some DS's to play on which was friggin cool! They kick ass, Mario n Metroid both look great, but especially Maz. Some of the mini-games r so much fun! We only got 2 keep 1 in the end, but learned so much about them, and i gotta say, personally i think it kicks the shit out of Sony's PSP (altho i hate sony ne way, i think they suck! I'd side with Nintendo ne day of the week!).

I was also watching this programme/documentary on CH4 the other nite about female orgasism's(sp?). Apparently women have over 26 signs of occurance when they orgasism! Guys just have the two (its not hard 2 figure out). But that was just some interesting facts, the real issue it was looking at was women who cudnt orgasism, they cudnt feel ne kind of pleasure in that region at all. To some women it suddenly occured after childbirth, some had never been able to their whole lives. My heart goes out to those women, it really does...I mean...not being able to feel that kind of pleasure? Thing is..who wud u feel more sorry for? The woman who's never experienced it? Or the woman whos had it, but lost it? I mean..the former wud be awful, but i guess if u've never experienced it..u dont kno what ur missing really. But then again, never having that experience in itself must be horrible as well. Ne way...they showed this american doctor who had been working on performing this instrument that was in trial, trying 2 help women experience orgasism. It was this thin metal device inserted in the back, is apparently designed to send floods on electrons along the nerve endings (finding which nerve path is the really difficult job) which is 'spose to stimulate that area. For 1 woman it worked really well, but it was only a week trial, so she had to give it up at the end of the week and i felt so sorry for her...she'd finally experienced it and then she had to give it up again. The other 2 woman (the 1's who had known what an orgasism felt like b4) werent very succesful with it, which was equally as awful.

I've also been speaking with Sami a lot as usual. She finally got her mic and i got to hear her voice. Its so cute n sexy, i imagined it b4 but knowing how she sounds makes me smile. We have some funny conversations 2, but to me (in a certain sense) it doesnt matter what we talk about, just hearing her voice is amazing. Also still talking bout going 2 see her, she wants me 2 go over in the summer, which i want to too, just depends on money :s but ill get it sorted because she means that much to me, ill make sure i hav a full time job, shes worth every penny, even if its only for a few weeks, it will be sooo worth it. I love that girl.

I joined The Music board the other week. So now i can keep abreast of whats going on, when they r touring n stuff, cos i am DEFINETLY going to see them, even if its on my own, altho id hope not :S Me n my bro r friggin obessed with them, but thats because they r a fucking ace band, really talented, great lyrics, n Rob Harvey has an amazing voice...+ they r from Leeds, where I live (well where my dad lives so sort of) so how cool is that?! So hopefully ill make some cool friends on there n get 2 meet them when im at gigs, altho ill prob be drunk, so maybe not the best time lol.

Went out last week with matt n dom (older bro's) which was great cos we dont get 2 see each other that much. After all these yrs it finally seems that i hav that kind of relationship that i want with them, being able 2 hang out with them n get stoned n drunk n have a laugh, n them feel n act like my older bro's...its really cool. I had a great time, just when i got home, i was really drunk n the alcohol is a depressant..hence my depressive n morbid post :S

Thats it for now i think.

Ste xxx

PS - Santana kicks ass.
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